9|| Oh my days cutler I swear-

31 11 19

"Hope there's someone at the door." Jayson yelled from the bottom of the staircase.

Well who the hell can that be.
It can't be the milkman because he came this morning.
And it can't be the grocer because he doesn't come these days.
and it can't be father because he's got his keys..

OKAYYY yeah that was me quoting "the tiger who came for tea"

An all time classic. I literally memorised that in my youth.. and did it with Noah and Bluesy.

Oh boys I miss you both.

Anyways. Back to the point. Who on earth is at my door.

"Jayson! Please can you just open the door?" I said leaning over the staircase.

"I don't have the keys" he responded.


"Oh damnit hope where are your keys?!" I frustratedly mutter to my self whilst rummaging around my hallway.

"Relax Layah, here I have the spare set." Axel said whilst tossing the set to me.

I flash him a thankful smile and proceed to answer the door.

"Hope! Hope Hope Hope!" Lewis sang my name whilst running into my legs as I opened the door. He buried his face in my knitted sweater and it was comforting to have him here.

Usually, Lewis comes with Em every few weeks. However, this time it was my mother and Em.

Why did she come too...

"Hey Hope lovely, how are you getting along?" She murmured muffled into my shoulder whilst pulling me in for a hug.

Well that's a first.

Best believe I've not hugged mom in at-least a whole year until now.

I awkwardly embrace the hug and gesture for them to come in , both mom and Em.
Lewis came in a while ago and predicted from his loud squealing, I'm pretty sure he's found company with the boys.

Today is surely going to be a long day...

"Tea or Coffee?" Jayson said coming into the dining room.

"What good help you are to Hope!" "Is this a usual thing Hope?" Em said, making herself comfortable on the sofa.

"Tea please"  Em said.

"Coffee, 1 sugar." Mom said

"Nah Em I think he's trying to make a good impression." I said whilst giving Jayson a sarcastic smile which he pretty much didn't appreciate from his facial expressions.

Serves him right after coming to my house drunk on a Sunday morning.

After coffee and cookies, mom and Em had some duties to get done back in the town centre.

So that's why mom came...

Me and Jayson cleared up the table along with the dishes whilst Axel  occupied Lewis with watching cartoons and playing games.

"Hey Hope." Jayson said , stopping in his tracks.

"Yeah?" I replied

"Well... I'm sorry for coming home like that. It was irresponsible of me seeing that I'm practically the oldest here , but it's also an awful way to make an impression on someone. So I'm sorry I ruined my chances to form a healthy relationship with you." He said whilst looking at me in shame.

"By relationship I meant mere friendship." He added quickly jerking his head up in realisation that his words could've been misinterpreted by me. His light eyes gleamed as if he was truly sorry.

Wisps Of Hope (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now