7|| Wait what do you mean Yusuf?!

74 16 59

This cover was done by @jeclansrubix ! Thankyouu it's beautiful <3

Before you start reading , Hey guys! Please vote the chapters before this one if you haven't all ready . It means a lot !<3 ~ Amelia
He parked the van on the curb outside of the driveway and began to mutter under his breath saying all sorts of curses . Basically muttering the whole book of swears . Some which were foreign to me but pretty much sound like curses.

I smacked his shoulder.


He shrugged and ran his fingers through his  hair.

"Listen to me Hope. You might scream and throw a fit I'm not sure how you're going to take this. I kinda told my mates Cutler and Sef  that they can come over and they're literally in the car behind us...."

"You did w-what?."

"They're relying on me I called for a reunion myself and told them your house will be fine so I can't exactly tell them to fuck off."

Seriously though. I get it he doesn't want to cancel on them . But what in AZKABAN was the need for him to curse for the thousandth time.

"Shut the hell up stop cursing." I say frustrated .
I turn my head to the back trying to spot his friends car.

"Hell is a curse Layah."


When he said that , I could just hear the smirk through his tone that was displayed on his stony face .

Now it was my turn .
"Ha ha . Because if you decide to accidentally forget to tell me about your 'mates' coming over again , hell will surely be your next destination."

"Ouch!" He mockingly clutched his chest .


"better be on my best behaviour then" he cocked his head to the side and looked right at me plastering a grin across his face.

"Shut up for gods sake and tell your 'mates' to get out of the car." I roll my eyes whilst emphasising the word 'mate'

"Layah the way you keep saying the word mate with some sort of emphasis makes me think the word is foreign to you ..."

"Well then congratulations it is foreign to me."

"You're so strange I don't even understand sometimes." He mutters

"PLEASE ! You have known me for three days . You don't even know me properly." I exclaimed .

"Yeah think what you like ." He shot back.

I can not be bothered throwing this pointless bickering back and forth so we left it at that.


"Is that CC?" I whisper nudging Axel spotting the same shirt that was under his apron at LB.

"CC? Do you mean cutler - I mean Connor ?" He questioned .

"Yes Connor !"

"How in fucks world do you know -.." he started but didn't manage to finish due to his rude mate which I assume to be 'sef' started screaming.

He came running towards Axel and grabbed him like a child reuniting with their mother even though he appeared to be a 21 year old , maybe older  .
He sure was a pretty face though .

"AXXSSS MY DAYS IT HAS BEEN SO DAMN LONG." Sef screamed untangling himself from Axels grasp .

I'm surprised someone as cold as him even accepts hugs.

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