~Chapter 1: The Newest Barista~

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I love writing festive stories in July! :D

~Y/n's POV~

I quickly slammed the door to La Tasse Chaude: aka the best cafe in the world. Especially in the holiday season! It's always so cozy and festive—especially during a snow storm.

Speaking of snow storm.

"Y/n, why did you slam the door?" I heard a female voice sing out.

I sheepishly rubbed my neck and replied, "Sorry, Claire: it's freezing out and I felt a snow storm in the air."

Claire shook her head and got back to icing her world-famous gingerbread cats. "Y/n, your weather senses are awful. It's not gonna—" Suddenly, the dreary, gray sky started to pelt snowflakes.

"Told you~" I teased, walking up to the counter to order. I immediately noticed a Filipino guy my age with messy, black hair and coffee-brown eyes fumbling with the cap of a latte.

"Come on, cap!" He mumbled in frustration, pushing up his glasses.

I chuckled to myself and asked, "Need help?"

The boy looked up and immediately went red from embarrassment. "N-no! I got it—" Just as he said that, a bit of steaming-hot coffee splashed onto the sleeve of his red hoodie. "Great, I just cleaned this hoodie..." he grumbled, wiping it off with a napkin.

I softly giggled and grabbed the cup from him. "I've got this," I said, smirking. I put the lid on the cup and gently pushed down on the edges of the lid. It easily slid on with my gentle approach. I slid in back to him and winked. "Don't worry: I won't tell your boss."

He slightly smiled back and whispered, "Don't think that's possible: she's always watching." He gestured to Clair.

I laughed a bit and Claire walked over with icing and flour all over her black apron like usual. "What was that, Mikey?" She asked, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He laughed a bit to himself and said, "Nothing, love. Just a joke I heard from earlier."

"Love?" I asked, kinda confused.

Claire's face immediately lit up and she immediately exclaimed, "Oh, yeah! Y/n, this is Michael Mell: my soulmate!"

I nodded and smiled. "That's awesome, Claire! How did y'all meet?"

"Well, he's new in town and he came in a few days ago to grab a drink. When he reached to get his drink and his sleeve fell down a bit, I noticed his tattoo matched mine!" She slipped up the leg of her tight-fitted, black yoga pants to reveal a sugar cookie with rainbow sprinkles—just like Claire likes them.

"And that's how I found Claire and got this job as a barista!" Michael exclaimed, though his smile seemed a bit forced.

Honestly, Michael was extremely lucky: Claire was one of the prettiest girls in our school. Her long, dirty-blond hair was always pinned back into a ponytail. She always wore tight, nice-fitting clothes that complimented her icy-blue eyes. She always had on a dap of pink lipgloss and nothing else: she was so beautiful she didn't even need makeup. Every guy would die for a chance to be her soulmate. Especially since she's probably the best baker in the whole world and her parents owned La Tasse Chaude. She's drop-dead gorgeous, extremely talented, filthy rich, and a great friend. Michael should be ecstatic!

"Well, I'm happy for both of you!" I exclaimed.

Claire had been my friend since she moved here in the third grade and we've always have dreamed about meeting our soulmates. Of course she found hers. And of course he was cute.

"Anyways, can I have a—"

All of the sudden, the door flew open; revealing a guy with extremely pale skin and light brown eyes. He shyly smiled at me and waved. I did the same and went back to my order.

"I'll have a gingerbread cat and a peppermint mocha, please. And for here," I asked.

Michael warmly smiled at me and typed my order into the register. "I'll have that out to you in a few minutes," He happily said.

I nodded and took a seat by the window. It being a Monday, I had quite a bit of homework: especially before Thanksgiving. I did American History first because it's my best subject.

After a couple of minutes of studying, the tall, pale-skinned guy from before awkwardly slid into the booth across from me.

"Uh, American History?" He shyly said, trying to strike up a conversation.

I nodded, slowly looking at him. "Yep, why?"

He pulled down his dark green beanie a little more and quickly responded. "Oh, it's just I'm really awful at History. I can never remember all those timelines and wars." He laughed a bit.

I smiled and said, "Well, what's your best subject? I'm y/n, by the way." Sticking out my hand.

He shook it with a tight grip. Ivan. And my best subject is English. Though I would rather be out on the ice than in a classroom any day."

"You skate?" I asked.

"Nope, I play hockey: it's in a nice, cool ice rink and I don't have to put on sun screen." He replied, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck.

For a second I wondered why sun screen was so important, then I realized. "Your albino?" I asked.

He awkwardly laughed and nodded. "Yep. It makes my snowflake skin super sensitive to sun. That's why winter is the best: I don't have my mom nagging me about sunscreen."

I laughed along with him and asked, "So, you new here in town?"

He shook his head. "Nah, I'm just visiting my dad for Thanksgiving break. I usually come here every weekend to visit him, though."

I frowned. "Well that's too bad: you seem extremely nice and I would really like to hang out more!"

"Well, maybe you'll see my around," He said, winking.

Suddenly, I heard someone clear there throat. I looked up to see Michael holding our drinks.

"Wonder how long it was gonna take you two to notice me," he joked, but I heard a twinge of annoyance in his voice.

"Sorry," I shyly said, basking in the scent of my peppermint mocha.

"I-It's no problem," he quickly replied, putting my gingerbread cat in front of me. He warmly smiled at me and then turned to Ivan.

"I have your Mocha with extra whipped cream to go for you, sir," He tightly said.

"Oh, uhm, alright," Ivan quickly said, taking his hot Mocha from Michael. He waved at me and asked, "Well, I'll see you around, y/n?"

I nodded and took a sip of my whipped-cream loaded Peppermint Mocha. "Definitely!" I exclaimed.

And with that, Ivan quickly walked out of the cafe, leaving Michael and I.

"Uh, call me if you need me!" He awkwardly squeaked, walking away.

I quickly got back to doing my homework, and halfway through I realized:

Baristas don't bring food and drinks out to the customers.

*Insert epic default dancing here* Aight, there is the first chapter! Hope y'all like it so far! And to be clear: your soulmate tattoo can be anywhere on you. So it could be on your arm, leg, forehead, etc. Aight, have a lovely day/night❤️🦙❤️

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Where stories live. Discover now