~Chapter 20: Baby It's Cold Outside~

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Happy December, everyone! This was a hard chapter to write. (Went through lots of changes) One word to describe this chapter? Dramatic. Stay tuned...

~Y/n's POV~

The snug fabric of the dress clung to my body as I zipped my Northern lights-like dress. The fabric shimmered in the painted sunset—even thought the sun was sinking faster than a sailboat in a storm.

With a satisfied smile, I perched a hand on my hip and batted my slightly-curled eyelashes—a flirtatious trick I learned from Claire. The eyeshadow was a little dark, but it's striking royal and sky blue-like colors took away from the patch of white heads that had been fading after going the whole week dairy-free.

Trust me—that was not easy.

"Knock, knock," My mom chimed, her voice muffled by the wooden door.

"Come in!" I cried, shoving my forgotten dirty laundry into my closet. (I always got disappointed looks when I forgot to do a simple chore such as putting my dirty clothes in the hamper.)

Mom came in, immediately gasping giddily as she inspected me. "Y/n, look at you! You are truly the 'bell of the ball,' as they say." She chuckled at her last sentence.

"Yeah, yeah," I nonchalantly replied, my smile only growing at her compliment.

"Well, you better get going—the party's at 5 o'clock, correct?"

My eyes darted to my bedside digital clock—the bright, bold, red numbers read "4:51."

"Holy cow you're right!" I yelped in surprise, diving for my black, ankle booties.

Mom chuckled, walking to the closet and pulling open the door. My pile of previously-hidden, dirty clothes suddenly toppled down at my mom's knees.

She squinted at me, her glare making me melt like a snowman on a sunny day. "Y/m, what's this?" She huffed.

Luckily, I had found my boots and slid them on my feet. "Sorry—talk later!" I exclaimed in a nervous hurry—not just because I was about to get berated by my mom:

I was about to be late.

~Hehe Time Skip 15 minutes later~

La Tasse Chaude was flooded with every shade of red, green, white, and blue; especially red.

So much for Claire standing out.

"Y/n! I thought you would never come!"

Speaking of the devil.

I whipped around, my lips curling into a smile. I gestured to my ombré dress. "Do you think I would just pay a pretty penny for a gown and makeup just to stay home and miss out on the biggest holiday party of the year?"

Claire huffed and rolled her eyes, though they seemed to be happy and warm. Her icy, blue eyes contrasted her scarlet-red dress. A lighter-red ribbon wrapped around her waist, now squeezed and tiny. A matching bow was tied a little to her left, making her look like a sentimental Christmas present.

"You're dress is beautiful," I commented.

"Oh! Thank you!" Claire twirled around, her teacup-flared skirt flouncing. "You must be starved! Have you ate?"

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Where stories live. Discover now