~Chapter 3: Puck you~

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~Y/n's POV~

Saturday finally rolled around and I drove to the ice rink. It was freezing by now, and my thin coat didn't really do the job. I knew I shouldn't have trust the weather app on my phone.

It was weirdly quite at the rink: only a few cars lined the parking lot and not all the lights were on. I checked the flyer Ivan gave me. 11:00 am, Saturday. I checked my phone to confirm it was 11:00, but I noticed a text from Clair instead.

Clairbear: R u coming to the hockey tournament 2day?

Y/n: Of course! I'm here at the rink but no one is here. :(

Clairbear: Did u not get the memo?

I scratched my head in confusion. Y/n: What memo?

Clairbear: The tournament was pushed back to 12:30.

I smacked my head. How did I not hear?

Y/n: That explains the lack of peeps lol.

Clairbear: Well, I'll see you there!

I sighed and shoved my phone back in my pocket. Might as well go home.

As I turned to go home, I heard a familiar voice yell, "Y/n!"

I whipped around to see an albino boy my age—Ivan, to be exact. He was dressed up in a pale blue jersey and had a large black duffel bag with him.

"Hey, Ivan!" I called out, waving.

He jogged over to me, white smoke puffing out of his nose. He shivered and pulled down his signature green beanie. "You're—whew—early. I'm just here warming up," He said, panting.

I shrugged. "Yeah, turns out the flyer you gave me had to wrong time on it." I gave him a frustrated look and the crinkled-up flyer.

His eyes went wide as he exclaimed, "O-Oh my—I'm so so so sorry, y/n! I would've texted you the time, but I...don't have your number." He looked at me shyly, pulling down his beanie.

I smiled at him and said, "Well, maybe you can get my number."



"Okay, this wasn't exactly what I was thinking...." Ivan murmured as I led him into the ice rink.

I snickered and asked, "Why are you so nervous to play a game of hockey with me? Scared you'll lose to me?"

His face went a little red as he stammered, "W-What? I'm not—er—n-nervous at all!"

I laughed. "Alright, then. Whatever you say~"

As I laced up my skates and put on my helmet, (both graciously lended by Ivan) I skated out onto the rink with a hockey stick and puck. After a few minutes of practicing, Ivan finally skated out.

"Alright: first person to score wins," Ivan confidently stated. He placed the puck down in front of us.

"Alright. Just don't go easy on me just because I'm a girl—"

Whoosh! Ivan sped by me, almost knocking me down. "Oh, it's on," I fiercely whispered to myself.

I immediately skated after him, trying to catch him. He kept the puck in front of him: making it impossible to steal. I luckily was able to gain enough speed to get a couple steps in front of him.

Surprised, he let his guard down for a second. I used that to my advantage and quickly swiped the black puck from him.

I dribbled the puck down the rink, practically feeling Ivan's hot breath on my neck. He was so close, but so was the goal....

I felt myself lose control of the puck. I fumbled with it, almost slipping. Of course, Ivan came in at lightning speed and swiped the puck back. He was too fast this time.


The puck went into the goal and Ivan immediately pumped his fist up in celebration.

"YES! TAKE THAT, Y/N! IVAN ROSSET NEVER LOSES—WOAH!" He yelled, suddenly slipping. I giggled and skated over to him.

"You okay, bud?" I asked.

He nodded and laughed. "Couldn't be better!"


After cleaning up, Ivan grabbed him phone and started fumbling with it. "Can I?..."

"Yep! Let me have your phone..." I grabbed his phone, noticing his home screen was a cute, orange tabby cat.

"Is that cat yours?" I asked.

His cheeks turned red, (which looked very odd on his pale complexion, might I add) and he nodded. "Yeah—her name is Al."

"Why Al?" I asked, inputting my number.

"Well..uhm...promise not to laugh?" He pleaded, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I nodded and handed him back his phone.

"Well...I named her Al after my favorite singer—Weird Al. I know it's kinda stupid," He hid his head in his hands, flustered.

Respecting his wishes and not laughing, I peeled his hands off his red face and held them. "Well, I don't think it's stupid. Who doesn't like Weird Al? He made the Hamilton Polka!" I exclaimed, flashing him a goofy grin.

He laughed with me. "I've never heard that one before!"

I acted offended and shocked. "What? You've never have listened to the Hamilton Polka? You monster! You have to listen to it!"

He chuckled and mumbled, "Maybe I will..."

In the moment, I noticed a short kid with a red streak in his hair enter the rink. "Hey, sunthreen boy! Finally found your thoulmate?" He teased.

Flustered and surprised, we both stumbled back. "N-no! We're not soulmates!" I exclaimed quickly.

"Yeah!" Ivan awkwardly exclaimed.

The short kid chuckled. "Ith hilariouth how flustered you get, sunthreen. Anyways, is this the cutie you were blabbing on about yetherday at practice?"

Ivan sighed like he's used to this kid's cocky manner. "Yes. Rich, this is y/n. Y/n this is Rich."

Rich grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Charmed," He smoothly said. His lisp was almost as prominent as his I soulmate tattoo on his left cheek—flaming money.

"Don't you have a soulmate?" I mocked, smiling.

Smugly smirking, he responded, "In fact I do— Chloe Valentine." (Aye I kinda ship them don't @ me.)

I remembered Chloe: a beautiful and popular girl in my school who was involved with the "squipadent."

"Coolness. Well, nice to meet ya'."

He focused his attention to Ivan. "Okay, sunthreen, we have a new member who'll be plaything in the thornoment thoday."

Ivan looked surprised. "I thought you never took in rookies before a big tournament?"

Rich shifted his his duffel bag a bit and said, "Well, he thowed me what he could do yetherday after practice and I dethided he wath good enough." He turned toward the door and yelled, "Come on in!"

Ivan and I's eyes went wide when we saw a familiar figure come into view.


Cliffhanger, y'all! I'm good at that type of stuff lol. Anyways, do y'all like Weird Al? I used to really like him, but I'm more of a musical gal myself. Have an epic day/night❤️🦙❤️

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang