~Chapter 15: Perfect~

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When you have another doctor's appointment: 👁👄👁

~Claire's POV~

I struck a match against the rough matchbox in my hand. A flickering flame soon danced on the red tip—like it was waking up from a long winters nap. I couldn't blame it, honestly. The dreary snow pelting down from the dark-grey December sky was enough to make anyone want to curl up by a crackling fire and fall into a deep slumber.

But I didn't have time for that.

I placed the orange flame by the wick of my favorite candle: Vanilla Bean Noel. Though my parents prefer non-scented, plain-white candles, I like a few scented candles to give the cafe a more festive smell.

I blew out the match and frowned. It's not like my parents would listen to my suggestions anyways.

My parents always pushed me for success.

The double-decker cafe was covered in soft, twinkling lights and smelled of freshly brewed mocha. The fake Christmas tree we'd had for years stood tall and proud in the back corner, elegantly dressed in red, silver, and white ornaments. It was almost too perfect—like how I was raised to be.

My parents pushed me to be perfect.

They pushed me to join 3 clubs.

They pushed me to cover up my "rough" parts.

I know they meant well, but it didn't come across that way.

Like my hair, for example: I went to the hairdressers to get my blonde hair cut. I went for a little above my shoulders. Proud of my look, I immediately rushed home and twirled around for my mom and dad.

Do you know what they said.

"Claire Dear, why did you go for that length? It makes you look....rough."

I begged and pleaded and bargained with my mom, but my dad butted in and remarked:

"Claire, stop arguing. Your mom and I will pick up some extensions for you tomorrow."

My mom clapped her hands together and exclaimed, "Yes! Then I can finally get some lighter-blonde hair dye for you. It will make you look so beautiful, Claire!"

It's not like I could had said anything....

"Yes, mom and dad."

Then I departed to my room. Then, I looked like Glinda from Wicked—as y/n would say.

Everything about me was perfect...

But what was the cost?

I started to snatch bags of flour and cartons of eggs out of the pantry, ready to do the only thing I could be myself in:


Tarts, cupcakes, puddings, whatever! I didn't care! I loved the way the coconut would turn crisp and pale brown in my frying pan or how big, droopy bowls of melted chocolate could turn into small, decadent chocolate flowers.

I flipped through the hand-written recipe cards for my favorite holiday treat:

Gingerbread cats.

I raided the spice rack for nutmeg, cloves, and most importantly: ginger. The kitchen was mostly empty accept for one lonely barista swirling fancy shapes in a pumpkin latte for the one customer in-house.

No Michael.

The cafe felt...quiet.

I understand it's a big part of his life, but did he have to be at hockey practice 3 times a week?

I loved his jokes, his smile, his honesty. When he came in around late October, I remember feeling strangely attached to him already. I couldn't stop peeping over at him as he sipped his dark-roasted coffee and flipped through his book. When he came up to the counter to tell me how much he enjoyed his coffee, I noticed a soulmate mark on him:

A cookie smothered with rainbow sprinkles.

I immediately knew he was the one.

Now we both loved each other. All that hardship and criticism from my parents was worth it.

I was the perfect girl.

He was the perfect guy.

I glanced down at the ball of gingerbread dough in it's glass bowl. I twisted off a small tidbit and popped it in my mouth.

And, like Michael and I,

It was perfect.

Late chapter today, bois! Ugh I'm so tired. But Claire's awesome, right? R i g h t? Welp, have an epic day/night❤️🦙❤️

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