~Chapter 21: Blue Sprinkles~

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Isn't the chapter title familiar ;)

~Y/n's POV~

As soon as Claire dragged me inside the cafe, she flung me inside the now-empty kitchen—all the glistening goodies being feasted on the glamorous attendees outside.

"Y/n l/n, you have thirty seconds to explain why you were with Ivan."

I fidgeted with my now-sweaty hands. (Even though I had just returned from the frosty evening.) "What's wrong with spending time with my friend?" I asked, questioning myself.

Claire deadpanned and suspiciously said, "So ya' were just casually 'hanging out' at night in a secluded area?"

I tugged on a lose, navy thread on Ivan's jacket. "It wasn't like that, okay? We we're just hanging out and taking a breather!"

A sudden brightness bloomed over Claire's pale face. "Y/n, did he ask you to go on a walk with him?"


"And did act nervous or anything?"

I sent an accusatory glare over to her. "What are you getting at, Claire?" I impatiently huffed.

"Have you ever taken into consideration that he may be..."

My eyes widened, noticing the excitement and hint of wickedness in Claire's jewel-blue eyes. "No, no, no! You don't think?..."

A blush was painted over my cheeks, and Claire just smirked. "I think he is!"

Ivan? My soulmate?

"It's just like the Christmas Hallmark movies! An unlikely romance between a fierce, beautiful girl and a shy, sweet boy. All happening because the girl's beautiful, amazing, gorgeous, perfect—"

"Okay, okay!" I exclaimed, still in disbelief.

Ivan is my soulmate!

I remembered an unfortunate word in the thought.

Well, probably my soulmate.

"I can't believe...Ivan.." I collapsed onto the nearby kitchen stool. "I..."

Did I love Ivan?

My mind mentality face palmed. Of COURSE I loved him. He was my soulmate!

Claire let out an excited squeal as she clapped her petite hands. "You and Ivan—I love it! I get to be maid of honor, right? Oh! You guys can get married right here! What kind of wedding cake would you guys want? I personally think red velvet would be the best choice—"

"Hold your horses, Claire, we're not eighteen yet!" I playfully scolded, trying to desperately get Claire to shut her trap for a moment. (I love her, but dang does the girl go on.)

"You're right! You need to reveal to Ivan that your his soulmate! Oh—maybe I can get the DJ to turn down the music and play some sappy, slow song you can pour your feelings out to. Imagine," Claire whispered, roping me closer to her with her arm. "The spotlight is on Ivan and you. You take his hands and go on about how much you love him. Then, at the very end, you roll down your sleeve and reveal your soulmate tattoo to him."

"He gasps!" Claire continued, now acting it out in the middle of the kitchen. "Of course, he follows suite and pulls you into his arms and steals a loving, lingering kiss that leaves chills raking up your spine."

The very thought of that was already making ever hair on my neck stand at attention. Before I could reply to the outlandish and somewhat embarrassing idea, my phone pinged! in Ivan's jacket pocket. Like muscle memory, I pulled it out and read the message:

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن