~Chapter 9: Chit-Chat and Apple Cider~

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Michael fluff. Let's go.

~Y/n's POV~

I came back to the cafe in the afternoon, knowing Ivan wasn't going to be there. I just needed to figure out my feelings.

On one hand, I hated Ivan. I hated that he was such a jerk to Michael.

But again, I respected his honesty. I was very mature of him to tell me.

I shoved my head into my sweat shirt: I just needed a break from all of this madness.

"How'd your date go?"

I peeked out to see the ever-smiley Michael with a steaming mug of something.

I playfully rolled my eyes. "You know the privilege of going on a date with me is reserved for my soulmate."

Michael laughed, (though it was kind of melancholy) then slid onto the puffy couch across from me.

"Well, I'm on break, and I was wondering if you wanted to....I dunno....talk?" He winced, like he was preparing for rejection.

Grinning, I exclaimed, "Sure!"

~Time-skip to about 10 minutes later~

It was a freezing cold afternoon and no one was in the cafe. The fireplace was roaring and the flames twirled around the logs. Michael has brought out two Christmas Peanuts themed mugs filled to the brim with steamed apple cider. He also laid out a red plate filled with cinnamon chip muffins.

"Michael, you're the best, you know that?" I asked as I bit into the whole made muffin. It was delicious—like all of Claire's recipes. Too bad she had a half day so I couldn't talk to make me feel better.

"I know," Michael cooly responded, taking a sip of his scorching cider.

Unfortunately, it lived it up to my description, because Michael immediately tore the mug away from his lips and did a spit-take almost comically.

I gasped and put down my muffin. "Are you okay?" I exclaimed, handing him a napkin.

He wiped his mouth and smiled. "I only almost burned my tongue off. No biggie."

We both chuckled and Michael snatched a muffin from the platter. "Good thing Claire wasn't around when I stole these. They are so good."

"I know! How does she do it?" I asked, savoring the hints of cloves and nutmeg.

"Easy: She was born to do it. She's pretty, popular, and pretty confident. I wish we had more in common." Michael sighed.

I frowned and put down my muffin. "What do you mean? I thought you two were soulmates?"

He chuckled under his breath. "I know—that makes it even more confusing. I'm having a feeling that maybe we aren't soulmates—"

"Don't say that!" I exclaimed, dragging out the word 'that.' "You guys just need to bond more!"

"Trust me, we hang out a lot. I think I'm a little burnt out by her. I just need a break, you know?"

I took a long sip of my now cooled-off cider. I know what he was saying—maybe I need a break from Ivan. I just needed time to clear my mind!

"I know how you feel, Micha," I softly replied. "I sorta need a break from Ivan. We had a fight and...well, I just need to get out with a friend."

Michael gave me a surprised face as he pushed back his unruly black hair. "Wait, r-really?"

I nodded and he gave me a nervous smile as he said, "Well, I heard they're doing sleigh-rides tomorrow in the park. I don't know if you like that type of stuff..."

"I've always wanted to go on a sleigh ride! Oh, Micha, I would love to!"

Michael's face turned a little pink as he said, "So, I'll pick you up at 2:00 tomorrow?"

I gave him a thumbs up and went back to sipping my cider. Maybe a break is what we both need.

Maybe Michael will tell you more about his past?👀 Who knows! Well, have a lovely day/night❤️🦙❤️

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Where stories live. Discover now