~Chapter 4: Embarrassed~

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Alright, let's do this!

~Ivan's POV~

As the team started to warm up, I pondered why Michael would want to join the team. I mean, no offense to the guy but he doesn't really look like the "athletic type."

I had to admit, though: Aside from the whole "barista and kinda weird" factors about him, he was a great hockey player. He managed to steal the puck from even the most talented guys on the team! Well, there are only 12 of us—including Michael and I— but he still was the best.

Before the first game started, I skated over to Michael and asked, "Woah, do you play hockey or something, man?"

He shrugged and retorted, "I guess it's a mystery—like why you like hanging around y/n so much."

I tightened my helmet so no one could see my hair. "She's—She's a good friend  and I like hanging out with her!"

Michael gave me a blank look and skated away to our team's dugout. I  sighed and skated after him, not thinking about the conversation. All that was important was going out there today and having fun! And doing my best because y/n was watching the game.

Once everyone was inside the dugout, Rich stood and started to say his regular "motivational" speech.

"The teams today are the FIERCEST teams we've ever faced, and I won't be surprised if we LOOSE!" He barked. "But let's just go out there and hope that we win, okay? So we aren't bigger loser than we already are! Okay?" We all nodded.

"Good! Now, our starters will be..hm.." he scanned the bench. Not to brag or anything: but I always start as center. So I was already raring to go. But Rich had something else in mind.

"Jason and Jake, you two start as left and right. I'll start a goalie, of course. Aiden and Evan are defense. And for center....let's have....Michael. Now get out there and win!" Rich yelled.

They all nodded and skated out. But before Michael left, I could see the smirk on his face. I sunk down on the bench. What? Why would coach put in the noobie over me? Sure, he was good, but not as good as me! But I couldn't show bad sportsmanship, so I just sat back and waited for my time to shine.

~Y/n's POV~

A couple minutes before the game started, I heard a high-pitched voice sing out, "Y/n!"

I turned and smiled: a familiar, beautiful girl sat down next to me. "Hey Clair!" I exclaimed, giggling. "Glad you weren't late!"

She smiled and playfully punched me. "I would never miss the opportunity to hang out with my friend and watch my Mikey play!" She dreamily sighed at the end.

"I had no idea he had an interest in hockey?" I thought about the events before.

Clair nodded and played with her gently-curled hair that look professional. "Yeah, actually! He told me yesterday he was going to join. He actually used to play with his dad until he...never mind."

"Never mind what—"

Suddenly, an announcer's voice loudly interrupted me. "Welcome folks to the thanksgiving hockey tournament! We have about six teams here today and it's sure gonna be a good time! Now, please rise for our national anthem!"

As we all stood in silence while our anthem played, I couldn't help but wonder about Michael's dad: did he die? Did he leave? But as they say: Curiosity killed the cat. I didn't want to ruin my friendship with Michael over a stupid question.

After the anthem was over, we sat back down and I got a good look at our team. That Rich kid was goalie, two other kids were left wing and right wing, another two kids playing defense, and...Michael playing forward?

"Why's Michael playing forward? He's new and not extremely experienced...." I said to Clair.

She shrugged. "Did you see him warming up? He's pretty amazing!"

I laughed softly and smiled. "I guess you're right."

As the ref brought out a puck from the freezer, I waved at Michael and smiled. He gave me a dorky grin and waved back. Claire did the same, but the ref already blew his whistle and the clock had started. The other team swooped past Michael in a flash, skating towards the goal. Michael, getting over the shock, rushed after the guy. Unfortunately, this team had a concept called "teamwork" and was able to score in the first few minutes. I saw Michael's face turn panicked as he looked back up at Claire and I.

Claire, being the supportive cheerleader she was, waved at him with two hands and yelled, "WOO! LET'S GO MIKEY!"

Michael's face was as red as his hoodie he wears all the time. He smiled and waved back shyly.

"Claire, I don't think he likes that," I whispered.

She frowned. "Of course he does! YOU GOT THIS MIKEY-BEAR!"

I face palmed and try to sit Claire down. Michael's head was down as the other skaters in the rink snickered.

"Clair, stop—"


All of the sudden, everyone started laughing. Michael could barely skate back to the dugout at the end of the first half. Claire shyly sat down and smoothed out her sparkly blue skirt that matched her white snowman sweater.

"I told you to stop!" I whispered to her.

"I was...just trying to help him.." She was on the brink of tears.

I hugged her. "Claire, I warned you—"

"I love you Mikey-bear!" Someone mocked from behind us. The laughter started up again.

Claire wiped away her tears and running mascara. "I...I'll see you later. I'm gonna go." She whispered, voice cracking.

"Clair, wait—" But it was too late: she had already fled the rink, people laughing and mocking her as she left.

As the ref blew his whistle again, I noticed Ivan was center. He immediately spotted me and flashed me a smile. I waved back, but I couldn't help but wonder how Michael was. 

Clair I swear—

Jkjkjkjk but seriously, I do have a fight scene coming up soon, probably next chapter, but for now I need to grab a snack. Have an epic day/night❤️🦙❤️

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt