~Chapter 2: tangled lights~

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We 👏 need 👏 fluff 👏 before 👏 it 👏 gets 👏 dark

~Y/n's POV~

Thanksgiving Break is always one of my favorite times of year. People are getting into a festive mood, there's Black Friday, and let's not forget the amazing food!

Speaking of food.

As I walked pass La Tasse Chaude—closed for Thanksgiving break—I noticed a familiar Filipino boy standing on a short ladder.

"Hey there!" I exclaimed, waving at him.

Michael turned around, almost losing his balance. "Woah!—" He clutched the brick building next to him.

Once he quickly regained his balance, Michael quickly smiled. "Finally off for Thanksgiving break?" He asked

"Yep!" I exclaimed, clutching my school bag closer to me. "You?"

He sighed and climbed down the ladder. "Clair asked me to decorate the outside of the cafe, so here I am: instead of being home with my family."

His sad expression jabbed at my heart a little bit. "Well, do you need any help?" I asked, knowing I wouldn't miss anything at home.

His face lit up a bit. "Really? You wanna help me?" He asked, astonished.

I giggled a bit and pushed my h/c locks out of my way. "Show me what to do!"

He reached into a beat-up cardboard box in front of him and pulled out a massive ball of tangled lights. His face grew uncertain as he looked back at me, probably thinking I would back out immediately. Instead, I put a hand on his shoulder: instantly relaxing them.

"Let's do this," I confidently said.


After a few minutes at digging through the lights, Michael decided to start a conversation. "So, what school do you go to?"

"Middlesbrough," I flatly answered, zoned in on the lights. "You?"

"I used to go there, but my friend Jeremy dumped me for a Japanese Super computer. Then, after I save him and the whole school from a possible robot apocalypse, he decides that I wasn't "good enough" for him and moved away to California." He huffed, fumbling with the lights.

"Oh, right! I heard about the 'Squipadent.' " I said, remembering the events from earlier that year.

"I now go to Tepperman High a couple towns over. I have a coupled friends over there, but it's not the same! Jeremy was my best friend, y/n! And he....he left me," He sadly said, whispering that last part. He seemed on the brink of tears.

I frowned and put down my ball of lights. Even though Michael and I went inside the cafe, it still was freezing and I knew Michael needed a hug.

"I'm so sorry, Michael. I couldn't imagine losing my best friend..." I whispered. Wrapping my arms around him. He had his patch-filled hoodie on that still smelled like coffee.

"I—Thanks, y/n." Michael, quietly said, hugging me closer. We rocked back and forth just in each other's embrace. It wasn't a romantic hug, of course—just a friendly hug.

After I pulled away and got back to tugging at my lights, I heard a knock on the glass door. When I looked up, I noticed the pale boy almost instantly.


Michael begrudgingly got up and slowly opened the door. "We're closed," He grumpily told him.

Ivan sheepishly nodded. "Yeah, I know. But I saw y/n and wanted to ask her if she maybe wanted to come to my, uh, hockey game this Saturday?" He asked, looking nervous.

I got up and walked over to the two boys. Ivan pulled down his dark green beanie a little more and awkwardly waved at me. I waved back. "I would love to go!" I exclaimed. Then something hit me. "Wait, if you don't live here, how are you on the local hockey team?" I asked.

"Well, it's just a group of guys here in town that play hockey for fun in the ice rink every Saturday. They're hosting a Thanksgiving tournament, so I thought I would...ya' know...sign up. Since I'll be here!" He exclaimed, nervously fiddling with his thumbs.

I grinned. "Well, we would love to go!" I exclaimed, nudging Michael. "Right?"

Michael crossed his arms and leaned back a bit. "I don't know. I mean, I'm busy with work and stuff..."

"Michael, I thought you had Thanksgiving break off—"

"Oh! Uhm....yeah, then. I guess I'll go." Michael murmured, face red from embarrassment.

Ivan nodded and handed me a flyer for the hockey game. "See you there!" He exclaimed.

"You too!" I exclaimed, taking the flyer from his hands. I never noticed the slight bit of pink in light brown eyes....

Michael cleared his throat. "Okkkayyy, thank you, Ivan, but y/n and I are busy so we need to get back to it. Right, y/n?" Michael asked, quite irritated.

I nodded. "Yeah, we probably should. See ya'!" I exclaimed.

"Oh, uhm, bye! Sorry for bothering you!" He exclaimed jogging out the door.

Michael shut it and sighed. "Do I really have to go to that hockey game?" He asked, unfolding his arms.

"Of course! Come on, it'll be fun! You can even bring Clair!" I exclaimed, playfully punching his shoulder.

He laughed and slightly smiled. "Okay, I'll go. For you."

I clapped in delight and hugged him tight. "Thank you!" I squealed.

Michael nodded and hugged me back. "No prob. Now, let's get back to untangling those lights."

Ivan: Exist

Michael: N O

Anyways, I love developing characters! Well, I better get back to the hole I came from. Have an epic day/night❤️🦙❤️

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Where stories live. Discover now