~Chapter 13: Important Papers (Pt. 2)~

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So I now have a stupid lisp and hurting gums/teeth because of my Alf. :(

~Ivan's POV~

"Sorry, champ, have to work overtime today. Pizza is in the fridge. See ya' soon! —Dad."

I crumpled up the note and tossed it in the nearby waste bin. My dad usually works overtime on weekends, but I honestly think he's trying to avoid me.

Why, you ask?

One reason:

I remind him of my mom.

You see, my parents may be divorced, but that's because my mom's parents hated my dad's guts. When they met in high school, my mom was high school royalty. Perfect hair, skin, eyes, everything. The definition of a beauty in 1996.

My dad was a scoundrel—a bad boy who always got in trouble. He smoked behind the school, lit bushes on fire, went to wild parties—the works. When my perfect, beautiful mom found out that my rough-around-the-edges dad was her soulmate, her parents were enraged. They did everything in their power to keep them apart.

But they failed.

For then.

My parents were married for 2 years before my mom couldn't take the constant hate and threats from her family. After they had me, her family forced her hand to sign the divorce papers.

And my dad?

He was devastated.

He pleaded, bargained, and haggled with her family for months, but it was no use.

A perfect duo ripped away because someone said so.

I threw the three slices of pepperoni pizza into the microwave on a paper plate for a minute. I knew it was still gonna be cold, but I didn't care—I was still frustrated.

Frustrated how my dad never wants to see me.

Frustrated about the 6 hour bus ride here.

Frustrated from the fact y/n was hanging out with Michael so much—even though I deserved it.

I lied to her and came clean.

But my mom always said "Good things come to people who wait."

I've waited for eternity for something good to happen. I've finally found myself a girl who I love hanging out with and may even, (very slightly) love her!

When will it stop?

When will it—

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I flung open the microwave to see a slightly-steaming plate of pizza. The kitchen was quickly overtook by the smell of Little Caesar's Pizza and bubbling pepperoni. I quickly touched it—finding it to my lukewarm.

I didn't really care.

I snatched the pizza and a Pepsi from the fridge and sat them down on the living room coffee table. A small, fake Christmas tree slowly twinkled in the corner, it's branches mostly bare.

I was ready to throw a blanket over myself, watch some Christmas specials on TV, and eat my frustration, but I had to find something.

I scurried into my dad's modern office. Papers were scattered about the black, marble desk and a lonely Santa mug full of icy-cold coffee sat lonely by his mostly-empty pen holder. I quickly realized where the pens went after almost tripping over a lone, black one tossed on the ground.

My eyes danced hungrily around the messy room until I spotted it:

A dusty, old chest sitting at the back of the room.

With a small grunt, I threw up the lid to the wooden chest to find multiple boxes of papers with labels like "Property details" and "Insurance."

I dug through the heavy boxes till I saw one small, deflated cardboard box labeled "Ariana."

My heart skipped a beat: it was my mother's first name.

I wasted no time ripping the box open like a little kid on Christmas day. Inside were two noticeable things:

Photos and divorce papers.

I picked up one of the old Polaroid photos and felt a soft smile come to my face. My mom was holding up a Beanie Baby and kissing my biker-looking dad on the cheek.

I took out the second one on the pile: My mom and dad were in front of a BlockBuster holding up the movie "Jumangi." My dad had a black bomber-style jacket on and had an arm around my mom.

My eyes could see a perfect couple. People who were, by definition, soulmates.

I put the pictures down and turned to the left of the box: a stack of divorce papers menacingly glared back at me. I could see the signatures of my mom and dad.

Both of them looked stressed and forced.

Looking back between the two items, a sudden memory hit me:

~Small flashback~

My mom and dad were standing in the doorway of my nursery, embracing each other. My mom was crying while my dad rubbed soothing circles on her back.

"Ariana, don't cry. We're still here together!"

My mom barely looked up at my dad as she horsely whispered, "But tonight is our last night as a family. My parents—oh, my wretched parents—have no heart to let us be together and be happy! To raise a family! And Ivan...."

She trailed off and started to sniffle again. My dad planted a kiss on her forehead. "My dear, there is nothing we can do. I've tried every trick in the book! The only thing we can do right now is promise to give Ivan the best life—even though we'll be apart."

She dabbed her tears with her light-yellow dress and and shuffled over to me. I was so young, so unaware....

"My precious baby," My mom whispered, holding me close, "Promise me one thing when you get older: when you find out who your soulmate is, stick with them. You never know when you may loose them." Her sweet smile was stressed and evident tears were in her greenish-pink irises, (She was also albino.) but I could tell she ment those words.

I couldn't say anything, sure, but that sentence had always been lodged in my brain.

~End Of flashback~

I hugged my knees and stared at the photos and papers before me. The look in her eyes, the tone of my dad's voice...

"I promise, Mom," I whispered.

Annnnnnd that's the end of the chapter! I am really liking how this story is going and hopefully y'all do, too! Have a fabulous day/night❤️🦙❤️

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Where stories live. Discover now