~Chapter 7: December 2nd~

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Almost forgot I needed to publish a chapter today😳😳

~Ivan's POV~

Thanksgiving break was over and the holidays had begun.

Well, it wasn't a great start to them.

First, I fractured my ankle and can't play hockey for the rest of the season. Turns out karma is a witch.

Next, Michael has had a burning hatred for me. Well, at least that's what y/n told me. He shuts y/n down whenever she talks about me or even mentions my name.

And did I mention they made up?

Yeah, Michael has a great way with words and made up with her. Now, y/n has been spending more time with MICHAEL than with me.

When I was sent back to my dad and came back the following weekend, I decided to hunt down y/n. And, surprise surprise: she was in La Tasse Shaude.

~Michael's POV~

The holidays were kicking off to a great start! Y/n and I made up. And best part? She didn't find out I hurt Ivan's ankle!

Ivan was sent back to his dad's for the week, of course, and y/n and I had time to get to know each other better. We've became closer and I may even say I have..."strong feelings" about her.

She even got me to forgive Claire.

As much as I hate being Claire's Soulmate, she still is a human and being a jerk to her won't do me or y/n and I's relationship any better.

Unfortunately, it was Saturday: which means Ivan is coming back to town. He has y/n's number, so it's easier for him to flirt with y/n.

And we don't want that, do we?

As much as I tried to hide it and ignore it, I can't deny my ever-growing crush on y/n. I know she is not my soulmate and probably belongs to a much more deserving guy, but how do you stop loving someone?

I smiled warmly as a tired y/n strolled into the cafe. She was a waddling bundle of jackets and hoodies and I was living for it.

"Drag your bed with you?" I teased y/n, topping off a steaming mug of mocha with piles of whipped cream, cinnamon, and peppermint. Seriously, do people know how many calories are in these things?

She laughed and tucked a strand of h/c hair behind one of her red ears. "Sort of! Ivan texted me at 2:30 this morning to inform me he was on the bus and was gonna arrive at 7:00 this morning. We texted all night till I feel asleep at, like, 4:00."

I furrowed my eyebrows: Ivan was selfish enough to keep y/n from sleeping! She looked like she was gonna collapse any minute.

"Anyways, he's gonna meet me over here at 9:00 to chit-chat."

I looked at my pac-man watch I got for my birthday when I was 10. 8:47. Dang that was a cool party. As I recalled that day, y/n curiously peeked over the counter at my watch.

"Pac-man?" She asked, grinning.

I blushed in embarrassment and pulled the long-sleeves of my blue "Legend of Zelda" shirt over the watch. "It's just a dumb gift I got for my birthday one year—"

"Micha, do you still have that nerdy watch?" The singsong voice of Claire chimed from behind me. When she noticed y/n, she grinned and exclaimed, "Hey, y/n! Are you waiting on that blonde-haired cutie Ivan?" She batted her eyelashes—well, more like eyelash extensions.

Y/n rubbed the back of her bundled-up neck and sheepishly said, "Well, he's coming at 9:00 this morning—"

"For a DATE?" Claire yelled, her pupils getting wide as she dramatically stumbled back. Everyone in the cafe was staring at her. I think she learned from last time, because she immediately whispered, "Sorry!"

"It's fine, Claire, but it's not a date! It's just a—er—meeting! Besides, we only met a couple weeks ago!" Y/n's sharp tone of voice must had made Claire realize she should probably surrender because she stiffly nodded and went back to mixing her pumpkin muffin batter.

I noticed y/n was pretty tense after that question, so I politely asked, "Do you...want cup of hot cocoa? I'll put extra marshmallows in it~~"

Y/n quietly laughed and replied, "Micha, I feel like sometimes your the only one who understands me."

As I fixed her cocoa, I couldn't get that sentence out of my mind.

"Micha, I feel like sometimes your the only one who understands me."

I was so confused with my emotions: it's wrong to like y/n, but I felt a real connection! I just had to keep any feelings for her beneath me or else I could break the laws and my heart.

As I rushed the cocoa out to y/n, (I know a waiter is supposed to do it but I make an exception when y/n's around.) I noticed a timid guy with a familiar dark-green beanie covering his hair.

Y/n spotted me and waved. "Michael, Ivan's early!"

Having a hard time choosing? You're by the only one lol! Well, have a great day/night❤️🦙❤️

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant