~Chapter 10: It's Lovely Weather for a Sleigh Ride Together with You~

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The title is kinda long ngl.

~Y/n's POV~

I had 20 minutes before Michael was going to pick me up and I still was getting ready.

I wasn't sure what to go with—cute and stylish or warm and cozy. Luckily, I  remembered the arsenal of Christmas sweaters stacked up in a box in the back to my closet. As I picked through the array of Christmas sweaters, I noticed a particular one in the corner on my eye.

I scrambled to snatch it up and held it up to my body. It was a bright red sweater with a smiling llama on it. In big, green felt letters it said, "Fa La La Llama!"

It was perfect.

I threw my light-blue sweatshirt aside and put on the sweater. It was a little itchy and it was kinda small, but I made do. I decided to strike a sassy pose in the mirror—sorta similar to Angelica's pose when she sings, "Include women in the sequel. Work!"

Now I was full-out singing "The Schuyler Sisters." I wasn't really on tune, but I honestly didn't care.

"I'm looking for a mind at work!" I sang out, striking the most dramatic pose I could. I turned to the clock to see what time it was.


I felt myself grow giddy as the time drew nearer. I was gonna have a fun day out with my friend! And it's a sleigh ride! I noticed the large, white flakes outside of my frosted window pane lazily drifting down. Could 2:00 come any faster?

~Michael's POV~

Shivering, I pulled my red winter jacket closer to me. I avoided the frozen slush on the sidewalks as I practically ran to y/n's house. It was a perfect day out and I was determined to make sure every second of y/n and I's time together today was perfect. Soon, I came to a cute little house—perfectly decorated for Christmas. I checked my phone to make sure this was the right house y/n told me about.

After reassuring myself that I was in the right spot, I started to lumber up to the front door until I saw a familiar figure dancing around through one of the frosty window panes. Curious, I took a quick peek through the window. My suspicions were correct, because it was y/n, but she was dancing around and belting out lyrics.

It was really cute, honestly.

Stop those thoughts, I urged my mind. She's not your soulmate, remember?

After taking a second to cool down, I took a deep breath and knocked on the front door.

"Coming!" I heard y/n's muffled voice yell. I heard some shuffling and heavy footsteps before the door swinged open to reveal y/n herself.

She has a goofy grin on her face as she exclaimed, "Heya, Micha! Ready for our date?" She wiggles her eyebrows in a flirtatious manner.

My cheeks turned pink and I started to stutter. "I—uhm, w-well, errr—"

Y/n playfully punched me in the shoulder and happily said, "I'm just joking, Micha. No need to get that flustered!"

I felt my face, which was so hot it could melt the snow. I facepalmed and replied, "Ughhh, I'm so dumb."

Y/n lightly giggled and put and warm hand on my shoulder. "No you're not! It's just I say stupid things when I'm excited."

I lifted up my face and saw her radiant smile. I couldn't help but return it. "Well,  I for one think it's cute."

Why did I say that?

Y/n chuckled and linked her arm with mine. "Come on—I think it's about time us dummies have some fun."

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Where stories live. Discover now