~Chapter 14: Unexpected visitor~

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My bro's at a meeting, so might as well write a chapter! :D Chapter 14, y'all!

~Y/n's POV~

I shoveled a store-bought gingerbread cookie into my mouth, trying to concentrate on the Algebra equations in front of me. I had so many things on my mind: Ivan, Michael, our time out a couple days ago....

I turned to my window, which was covered in a thin layer of ice. The pumpkin-orange sun was shining down on the shimmery snow. I checked my phone for the temperature:

44' degrees.

I burrowed my head into my Wicked hoodie. Screw Algebra.

Suddenly, a soft knock on my door made be jolt up. "Come in," I groaned out.

My mom cracked the door open and peaked in. "Claire is at the door for you, honey."

"Okay," I responded, not wanting to be social anymore today. I stretched out as I emerged from my comfy, fluffy desk chair and dusted of the cookie crumbs as I dashed to the front door.

I pulled open the door, immediately painting on a smile. "Heya, Claire! Wassup?"

Claire's titan-blonde curls bounced as she flashed me a happy smile. "OMGOSH! Y/N!" She squealed as she embraced me in a tight hug that almost knocked the wind out of me. "I have BIGGGG news!"

With a tired smile, I asked, "What is it, Claire-bear?"

She twirled around—making her sparkling white skirt and perfect curls flounce—and handed me a piece of light-pink paper:

Need a little Christmas cheer?

Join us at Cafe La Tasse Chaude for a HOLIDAY BALL!

Good food, good drinks, and enough cheer to go around!

Join us December 10th for a magical night you will never forget.

Dress code: formal
Where: La Tasse Chaude
When: 5-12 pm

Save the date and don't be late and miss out on the biggest party of the season! ;)

Claire jumped up and down like an excited little kid. "What do you think? I designed the flyers myself?" She giddily asked, fiddling with her snow-white gloves.

"I—this is awesome, Claire! A ball? That's going to be great business for the cafe!"

Claire's crystal-blue eyes sparkled as she exclaimed, "Yes! It was all my doing—oh it's just going to be fabulous! Dreamy lights, fabulous deserts, enchanting music~" She batted her eyes and nudged me a little bit. "Maybe you'll find your soulmate~"

I giggled and playfully pushed Claire. "Yeah right! I probably won't find him until I turn 80 or something."

Claire gave me a hopeful smile and handed me bag. "We had some left over Candy cane cheesecake! It's a new recipe and I think it's gonna be a hit." She handed me a pink "La Tasse Chaude" bag and skipped off the porch.

"Don't forget the whipped cream!" She called out as she pranced away.

With a giggle, I shouted, "You bet I won't! And thank you!"

But she was already gone.

I shrugged and trotted back to my room. The soft glow of Christmas lights strung around my desk and room gave out a cozy vibe. I excitedly snatched the plastic case that held the candy cane cheesecake. I small plastic fork was in the bottom of the bag, so I wasted no time ripping open the cheesecake's box and digging my fork into the candy cane-sprinkled dessert.

I quickly frowned: there was something missing.

But what?

Then it hit me: whipped cream, of course!

I scurried into the kitchen to grab the whipped cream when I noticed my mom stirring some sort of chicken noodle soup.

"Hey mom," I nonchalantly said, searching for the can of whipped cream.

"Hello, y/n. Aren't these flowers lovely? They came addressed to you, I think." My mom gestured to a narrow, clear vase that housed a large, gorgeous bouquet of blue flowers—roses, snapdragons, hyacinths, hydrangeas, and Blue stars. A tiny blue card at the bottom said:

My dear y/n,

I don't know if you like blue flowers, but I think they suite you. Of course, you can always toss them out. Wait, why did I say that? Dang it! Okay, let me start over:

I know I may not be your soulmate and all, but I really, REALLY like you, y/n. I mean, I don't even know who's really my soulmate, either. I should probably stop writing.....well, enjoy the flowers!

With love, your secret admirer.

I giggled at the note, loving how awkward and wholesome he was.

"They're beautiful," I whispered.

My mom gave me a teasing smile and asked, "Soooo, is he your soulmate? I didn't read the card because I wanted you to be the first."

"You're so caring," I sarcastically retorted, giving her a playful look. "But no, this guy is just my 'secret admirer.' "

She turned down the heat on the pot that was next to her. "A secret admirer? I hope they don't already have a soulmate."

I shook my head as I returned to my hunt for the whipped cream. "If they are telling the truth in the note, they don't."

After a minute-long silence, I finally found the whipped cream and grabbed the vase of vibrant-blue flowers and marched back to my room.

After returning to my cozy chamber, I perched my flowers upon my window sill and started to top of my cheesecake with whipped cream.

Why would someone send me flowers?

And who would be that awkward when writing a love note.

I stabbed my fork into the cake—now smothered in the creamy topping—and slipped it in my mouth.


It's late and I almost got trapped in a fire today. Long story, but I did make it out. Well, hope you enjoyed and have a fantastic day/night❤️🦙❤️

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Where stories live. Discover now