~Chapter 16: Plan?~

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Happy Early Halloween to those who celebrate! I may put out a spooky Yandere one shot soon. What's your guy's thoughts?

~Michael's POV~

I tied my freshly-pressed dark-blue apron around my waist and clipped my chirpy white name tag on the top of the fabric. I suppressed a groan as I saw multiple people spill into the cafe, the little ting! of the bell on the door singing non-stop.

Ting! Ting! Ting! Ting!

Claire peered through the doorway of the kitchen, giving me a cheerful smile. "You ready to start the day, Mikey?"

I gave her my best I'm-totally-not-dreading-working-my-shift smile and replied, "Totally."

Her candy cane charm-bracelet pinged! as she gave me a thumbs up. "Great! See you soon~"

She blew me a kiss and I returned the gesture, a little relived when she turned around and jogged back to the cash register.

I wish I could be on top of things like her.

After a quick splash of water on my face and a deep breath, I took my station at the counter.

The moment I opened my station, people came stamping over. A pale, lanky boy with a dark-green beanie peered down at me as he stammered, "Um, h-hello."

I immediately recognized the albino teen and crossed my arm, glaring at him. I never noticed how tall Ivan was—he at least had 5" on me. It would make him look at lot more intimidating if he wasn't so nervous and hiding under that beanie of his all the time.

"What do you want," I boredly replied, playing with one of my apron ties. (Tied in front because I wasn't skilled enough to tie it in the back.)

"Just...er..." Ivan looked down at his baby-blue gloves. "I just wanted a dark roast coffee, please—with a pump of chestnut cream. All to go."

I typed it into the register, barely breaking eye contact with his nervous pinkish-brown eyes. "Is that all?"

He paused for a moment, looking like he might pass out. "Uhm....do you....do you happen t-to know if y-y/n is coming by today? I bought her a make-up present! Well, sent her one...."

I pinched the bridge of my nose and released an annoyed sigh. "She's not here, okay? She's at home, probably. Why are you always up in her business?" I snapped.

Ivan's face flushed a sugar-plum pink and retorted, "I-I'm not always up in her business! I really just like hanging out with her, okay?" He uncomfortably shifted.

I turned to the espresso machine, trying to contain my anger as I watched the dark, bitter coffee pour out of the spout and into a paper to-go coffee cup. I sucked air into my lungs until I felt like I drained the world of oxygen, and released it all in one soothing, strong exhale.

I aggressively plucked the burning-hot cup off the platform and turned to the flavor pumps. Hazelnut cream....

After finding the cream, I gave one mighty pump and watched the cream dissolve into the midnight-black drink. After a quick stir and clicking the lid on the cup, (courtesy of y/n's way) shoved it towards him and frustratedly huffed, "That'll be 2.50, please."

Ivan fished his bank card out of his blue-jean pocket and swiped it on the card machine. After a quick sign, he gently picked up the coffee and gave me an annoyed look. I gladly returned it and was about to move onto the next customer until I heard Claire's high-pitched voice sing out, "Ivan, is that you?"


Claire gestured for one of the other employees to take her place at the counter and, not wanting to be fired, quickly jumped on the station.

I quickly took the young red-head's order and listened in on Ivan and Claire's conversation.

"Why are you leaving so soon, Ivan? Wouldn't you like to stay and relax?" Claire sweetly asked, batting her long, magnetic eyelashes.

Ivan scratched at his beanie as he shyly replied, "I would, but I'm busy and I don't think...." His glance turned towards me. "I don't think Michael wants me sticking around, anyways. Thank you, though—"

"Hold it!" Claire dramatically announced, attracting a few confused looks from nearby customers. I hated when she did that. She narrowed her clear, blue eyes and suspiciously looked between Ivan and I. "What's going on with you two?"

I handed the patient woman at my register her caramel frappe and grumbled, "Nothing, Claire."

She turned to Ivan for answers, giving him pleading puppy-dog eyes. He seemed like he desperately wanted to tell her everything, but he took a deep breath and said, "Just a couple of disagreements, that's all."

When Claire figured out we weren't gonna budge, she heaved a heavy sigh and put her petite hands on her prominent hips. "You know what? Fine. I don't know what's going on between you two, but I don't want my boyfriend and my friend fighting." She whipped a pink card out of her apron pocket and handed it to the quaking Ivan. "We're having a Christmas ball right here at the cafe in a couple of weekends and the whole town is invited. Mikey and I were gonna go clothes shopping for it next week, but I think it'd be better if you and y/n tagged along with us. What do you say?"

Ivan looked like he was going to pass out as he gently pried the invitation from Claire's fingers. "I...thank you, Claire, but I don't know if I should go to the ball—"

Claire slammed her hand down on the counter, making many customers jump and me embarrassed. "You have to come Ivan!"


"No buts!" Claire sang, turning away. As she returned to her register, she yelled, "Next Saturday at 1:30! We'll pick you up at y/n's house!"

Ivan barely murmured an, "Okay" as he disappeared into the breezy morning.

I felt my heart drop.

Ivan could not come along.

This had to be a nightmare.

~Y/n's POV~

Hot water rolled off my back, steaming the mirrors around me and swirling down the drain.

I squirted a swirl of "Cozy flannel" shampoo at the base of my fingers. A few notes of black cherry and faint coconut lingered around my nose as I started to scrub the shampoo in my tangly locks.

A calm, soothing version of "Noel" played in the background, adding a certain amount of tranquility to the whole scene. Today I was just going to relax and watch the corniest Hallmark Christmas movies I could find. The soapy suds ran down my back as I rinsed the freshly washed, flannel pajama-smelling shampoo from my hair.

After another couple of minutes relishing in the hot, pouring water, I shut the shower off and let the remaining water drip off of my now-Red body.


I snickered at the all-too-familiar notification sound. As soon as I wrapped my fluffy towels around my dripping hair and body, I snatched up my phone—ready to know what the notification was.

Clairebear: Hey! Michael, Ivan and I are going clothes shopping for the next weekend! U wanna come?

My heart did a strange leap when I read Ivan's name. It had been a while since our "fight," and I found myself missing his awkwardness and his pictures of Al.

Me: Of course! What time?

Clairebear; Next Saturday at 1:30! We'll pick you and Ivan up at ur house. Plan?

Ivan? Coming to my house?

Me: Plan

Aye aye ayeeee everyone! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! The idea came to me in history class today lol. Turns out boring videos can be great inspiration. Anyways, happy early Halloween and have a great day/night❤️🦙❤️

Blue Sprinkles: Michael x Reader (Soulmate + Coffee shop AU!)Where stories live. Discover now