Chapter 21

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3rd Person POV

Cole sent several guards flying through the doors and past the gates using his Earth Punch. Wu disappeared behind the desk, "Pixal installed a device connected to a barrier so that those without elemental powers couldn't get through. I don't know how to get this started."

Zane shoved a guard away, "Let me try. You lot, buy me time!"

"You heard the man!" Morro ordered, blasting a guard back with his power. Zane's fingers rapidly moved across the keyboard, initiating a ten second timer.

"We have ten seconds, get these guards out of here!" he bellowed, starting the timer. Seliel broke one's jaw and threw him out, as did Morro. A guard came running to Garmadon, sword raised, but the elderly man simply stepped aside, and the guard slammed into the wall, going out cold. Picking him up, Morro threw him out too.

"The barrier's up." Zane stated, "Only those with elemental powers can get through."

It was invisible, and they could see some of the guards struggle to their feet, others trying to get past the invisible dome.

Misako glared at the guards, before beckoning to the others, "Lets go and get you cleaned up-"

"What about Amber?" Seliel asked. Cole wrapped an arm around her, "I think the others have it under control. Plus, we need to gear up."


True Love's Kiss. Nya had learnt about it in one of her classes. It's said that a kiss exchanged between soulmates can heal and/or resurrect. Jay's only hope of survival was True Love's Kiss...if only it wasn't an old wives' tale.

As Jay staggered back, he fell, and Nya rushed to his aid, cradling him in her arms. Tears streamed down from both hers and his cheeks.

"It's okay," Jay whispered, stroking her cheek. Nya shook her head, "No, it's not! Jay, you're dying!"

"In your arms," he wheezed, "I'm your arms. That's more than enough for me. It's perfect. Death comes to us all sooner or later, we can't control it." 

Nya shook her head, sobbing, "I can't let you die, Jay! We were...s-sworn to protect..." Amber was being restrained by Skylor and Lloyd, whilst Kai quietly watched Jay and Nya, his own eyes pricking with tears.

"It's okay..."


"I love you, Nya...Nya Smith. I feel so lucky to have someone that makes saying goodbye so hard." This made Nya cry harder, and she cupped his face, as he took his final breath.

Crying out, Nya rested her head on his chest, tears flooding down from her eyes, "I never said it back. I never fucking said it back!"

Everyone had gone quiet over the Master of Lightning's death. They never knew him for long, and he was gone so fast. He was a hero. 

A son. 

A brother. 

A friend.

Straightening up, Nya looked at him, before leaning down... 

...and pressing a gentle kiss on his lips...

...her first kiss with him...

...and her last...

Looking ahead, she clapped a hand over her mouth to stifle her sobs, which didn't help at all. She knew that Amber was going to pay. What she didn't know was that True Love's Kiss wasn't an old wives' tale, as Jay's stab wound started glowing golden, as it healed, slowly but surely. She gaped in complete shock as his chest slowly rose and fell. His eyes squinted, as he opened them, and looked around, as if he'd just been napping this entire time instead of dying and coming back to life.

"What's going on?"

Nya was speechless, "The kiss worked."

"What kiss?" Jay asked, "Did you kiss me?"

"True Love's Kiss," she murmured, "it's real! No, no, wait, I had to say something." As he sat up, Nya gripped his shoulders, "I love you too."

Grinning like a dork, Jay leaned in and kissed Nya, like there was no tomorrow, mixed with laughter and tears. Once they pulled away, Nya took a hold of his chin, "I thought I lost you!"

Jay shook his head, "Can't get rid of me that easy. I had my death planned out: I would go out Die Hard style, with flames in the background, with a famous celebrity to witness-"



"Shut up." Nya mumbled, kissing him again. Jay wrapped his arms around her and rested his head atop of hers.

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