Chapter 1

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"Ain't got no tears in my body, I ran out but boy I like it, I like it"

° ° °

"Fuck this shit!"

I throw my books on the ground in frustration and rake a hand through my hair.

Today's my last exam, and I don't understand any of the shit that's written in those stupidly thick books.

"I heard yelling!" Chris's voice says, and he enters my dorm without knocking. This only irritates me further.

"Chris! We already had this conversation! What if I was naked? What would you have done then?" I ask angrily and stomp around in the little room I share with my roommate and collect the things I've thrown on the ground. 

"It's not like I care about your body. And what has gotten up into your ass?" he asks and laughs, putting his hands up in the air.

I instantly feel bad for yelling at him. "I'm sorry, I'm just stressed for Sunday," I say and stuff all my books into my bag. My exam is about to start in 20 minutes, so I still have some time. 

He rolls his eyes and wraps his arm around my shoulder when we exit my dorm and I lock the door. "You're going to be perfect, don't worry. And if your voice cracks and you'll die from embarrassment, I'll be there to suffer with you."

I smile and shake my head at him. "Thanks for being my date," I tell him and we walk over campus to our class. "No problem, babe," he winks. I roll my eyes.

"How was your date last night?" I ask him and check my phone to see what time it is.

Still fifteen minutes. As soon as I ask the question, he smiles. "It went really good, actually. He was so nice to me and even paid for the food! I'm always the one that pays the food!" he says excitedly. I laugh. "Good thing he's a gentleman," I chuckle.

Chris came out as gay last year, and me and Lucy have really been a support for him since his dad didn't accept him the way he was.

"What was his name again?" I ask him. "Thomas," he says, a happy glint in his eyes.

He sighs dreamily. "We fucked in his car afterwards. My ass is still hurting."

"Too much fucking details," I groan and step away from him, causing him to laugh. "You're too adorable," he says. I smile a little, and hug him. He's been such a wonderful friend to me, and supported me through everything.

"Our ways part here, my darling. I'll see you after class?" he asks. "Yeah, Lucy and I agreed to meet up at the local café, you can come too if you want to?" I ask him. He nods. "Sure, will do. Love you!"

"Love you too," I yell after him and make my way over to class. Today's my last exam, History. And after that I'll be going home for Christmas. And after that I won't be seeing them for another whole year. I only return for Christmas and my birthday.

I enter the class and take a seat, grabbing my books and repeating everything for a one last time before the professor walks in, which means that we have to put our books away and prepare us for the exam. 

We all wait in silence as he goes around the room, handing us a stack of papers for us to make. When I receive mine, I instantly begin working on it, eager to get over with all of this and get drunk.

Halfway through the exam, I land on another question. I read the paragraph that goes along with it.

'The Greek God Zeus kept cheating on his wife, Hera and after some time she found out...'

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