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I walked into baggage claim and breathed deeply, I was never going to do a long flight all in one trip again. That's the way to turn me into a living dragon. It was my own fault, if I'd planned it right I would have been able to stay in Dubai for a few days when the plane landed from Australia before flying back home. 


I spotted my rucksack whirring down the carousel and shouldered it before making my way through the throngs of people. I switched on my phone and shoved it into my pocket. Jem was going to collect me but I'd phone her once I was outside, in the fresh air.


I jerked my head around to see Jem launch herself at me. I dropped my rucksack and held her close as she wept on my shoulder. I felt tears prick my eyelids but refused to cry in an airport. How bloody cliché.

I looked up to see Dyl's Dad, Sean, standing a few steps back, looking awkward. 

"Hi, Sean," I said over Jem's sobbing frame.

"Hi, Maze."

I saw so much of Dyl in him that my heart hurt. They both had the same strong stance, dark hair and the way he fidgeted with his fingers when he was uncomfortable. Pure Dyl. 

I pushed the thoughts away, fiercely. I didn't want to think about him. I couldn't let myself think about him.

"You're my Maze."

"You're my stars."

I blinked the memories away but they didn't disappear completely, they just rested in the background. Where they always were.

Jem kept a strong grip on me as we walked to the car park, she was chattering so fast that I could barely make out the words. I nodded at regular intervals and Sean's lip twitched with laughter knowing that I was completely lost.

Dyl used to do that too.

Ah, fuck.

When we were on the motorway, heading back home, Jem leaned over and squeezed my knee. I smiled at her before looking out the window enjoying the snow fall and blanket everything in clean, untouched snowflakes. 

"I'm so glad you came home for the wedding, Maze. It wouldn't have been the same without you."

Guilt speared my gut, I'd barely kept in contact with her. Or anyone for that matter. After everything that had happened with Simon, I'd been so ready to go through a lengthy battle and nobody was more surprised than me when he took a deal and went to prison for 7 years. The prosecutor told me that if he'd taken his chances in court, he could have been leaving prison in his late forties. Simon always like to make things easier for him. 

The minute they'd told me I didn't need to stay, I'd packed my bags and booked a flight to Italy. I'd spent the last two years travelling, seeing the world and enjoying everything that I could. I didn't tell anyone where I was going, I didn't say goodbye, I just left. It would have made it to hard and if I'd seen Dyl? I wouldn't have left at all. 

I'd hated how we'd ended things, that was not the way it was meant to be with us. I had been so flustered, so confused. Simon had managed to get a mobile and was calling me all hours of the day and I realised that I wasn't going to be a good partner for Dyl. Not right then. I'd tried to explain it but everywhere word that fell out of my mouth hurt him a little bit more. I could see it all over his beautiful face. And when he'd left?

I didn't know hearts could break that much. 

"Do you need me to do anything for the wedding?" I asked Jem, trying to get Dyl out of my head.

She gave her head a quick shake, "Nope. It's going to be a small ceremony. It's just going to be us, you and..Dylan. We're going to have a big celebration at the Clocktower afterwards."

I blinked slowly, "It's just going to be us and Dylan?"

Sean snorted, eyes fixed on the road ahead, "He's my son and best man, Maze. It would be strange if he wasn't there."

Jem squeezed my hand, eyes full of concern, "That's ok, isn't it?"

I forced a smile, "Of course it is, Jem. I can't wait to see you and Sean get married. Tomorrow can't come quick enough."

She grinned at me and began to tell me about her dress, my bridesmaid dress, the party at the Clocktower and I phased her out, staring at the snow again. 

Tomorrow, I'd see Dylan.

Tomorrow, my heart would break again.

Maze [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now