Worst Moment To Confess

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My blanket is suffocating. There's a feverish atmosphere. And, I am having a nightmare that is not aiding in any way. I rapidly open my eyes whilst heavily breathing. A cup of relaxing infusions is exactly what I need now. And that is what I do.

With the mug in hand, I sit on the kitchen's chair, spinning the small spoon to ease my troubled mind.

The rest of the evening - after Taehyung and Yi-Seo left - went terrible. My date even went as far as slapping me on the face (I check again my swollen cheek). "That was harsh..." I speak out loud as if there is someone who will listen to my words (I am alone). "I mean, who even goes on a date and just babbles about themselves for hours! Naturally, anyone would get tired of it!" I take the first sip, burning my tongue. "Ouch!"

Seeing Taehyung had been pleasing. I am happy to see him doing well... Who would have thought he even has a daughter. Not me. "Jimin, it is not that unbelievable" I say to myself. "You both already have an age... You're the one who is not doing the same as others..." I pause. "Getting too old, don't you think?" I seriously curve my lips and take another sip, this time blowing before I do.

He had aged fabulously too. It had even been easy to identify him as his facial features have not changed much since the last time. Maybe just a few wrinkles, but not even that. His aura remained. I sigh, my heart bouncing.

I finish the infusion, getting back into bed. If I do not go to sleep I will regret it tomorrow at work. Nevertheless, not much time passes by before I am completely off this world.


Another day, another pile of work to get onto. I look up and down the pile. It seems as if throughout the weekend our clients just focused on creating problems instead of enjoying life. I sigh and sit down. It will not disappear by itself, so it is time I begin. The sooner I start, the earlier I will finish.

However, reviewing documents becomes too monotone after a while and, before I know it, I stare at one of the pieces of paper - not moving an inch. My mind - loving to tease - reviews the vivid image of Taehyung from last night. Butterflies rummage through my stomach and a smile lifts my facial muscles upwards. That aura... That face of his... I smile even harder, looking at my fidgeting fingers - letting a sweet short laugh escape from my mouth. "He's so beautiful" I whisper.
"Who?" I jump on my chair after getting scared. I spilt my cup of coffee onto the paperwork and on my trousers. I turn around - blushing - to see my colleague's face inches close to mine. She is creepily grinning, wiggling her eyebrows and expecting the details. Oh, no...

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