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"so where will we all be heading this summer break?" cody asked the girls and his friends as they all sat in the library, trying to study.

"nowhere if i don't pass the bloody exams." daphne hissed, making shawn and cedric laugh.

"i'm thinking ceddy and i will take a trip to italy. watch a little quidditch, maybe some dates, perhaps even fall in love with a cute italian boy." jordan daydreamed and cedric shook his head.

"if any boy comes near my little sister, they will be hexed into the new year." he told the group making jordan grin and shake her head.

"you won't always be there to protect me ced." she told him sadly, but it was the truth. he wouldn't.

"but i can try, as long as i'm living i'll protect you jords. always." he said and she hugged the boy.

"thank you ced." she whispered and he patted her back.

it was quiet for a little, the group working on school work before the doors opened and in walked the gryffindors, now sworn enemies of the slytherin girls.

"piss off." jackie muttered, sending them a not very nice hand signal.

cody and shawn were quick to laugh while cedric was shooting daggers at seamus.

the gryffindors were lead away and then the group went back to their studying.

"hey, um jordan?" a voice said and everyone looked up to see hermione granger.

"hey hermione." jordan said, looking at her wearily.

"i just wanted to say that what seamus did was wrong and i'm sorry. if i had known i would've stopped it. no girl deserves to be used." she told her and jordan smiled at her, a real smile.

"that means a lot hermione, thank you." she said and hermione nodded before going over to the boys and smacking all of them on the backs of their heads.

the other group laughed at the groans of pain coming from them.

"so, the last task is next week, how are you feeling cedric?" daphne asked the older boy who shrugged.

"honestly i'm quite excited. it's bound to be difficult but i think i can manage it." he said giving her a smile.

"you better. you're the one walking me down the aisle at my wedding and i expect you to." jordan said, not even looking up from her book.

cedric laughed and patted her knee, "oh i know jonesie."

after a good hour longer of studying, the girls excused themselves and headed back to their dorm.

"how come we never get an invite to study?" goyle asked, coming up to the girls with blaise and an unknown boy.

"you actually study?" jordan asked, scrunching her nose, making everyone laugh as goyle turned red.

"sometimes." he muttered, making everyone laugh harder.

"do you really want to study with hufflepuffs?" jackie asked the boys and they all shook their heads.

"definitely not." the unknown boy said and jordan cast him a curious look.

"oh i forgot, jordan, this is adrian pucey. adrian, this is jordan." blaise said, introducing the two.

"yeah i know, the newly reformed slytherin princess." he said and jordan groaned.

"i swear, i'm not bloody royalty." she said and daphne shook her head.

"ah contrair mi amor, your father is one of the wealthiest wizards and your mother is practically descended from salazar himself. you almost top malfoy in royalty." she said and jordan rolled her eyes, giggling a little bit.

"well mi amor, i'm not my parents." she said as they came to the slytherin common room.

they opened the door to find pansy practically pushing herself onto draco while astoria gave her a deadly glare.

"zambini! lovely of you to join us!" draco said, pushing her away and moving over to his friends.

the girls stifled laughter at pansy who was blushing and getting dragged away by the younger greengrass.

"what was that about mate?" blaise asked, not even bothering to hide his laughter.

"she was getting on my bloody nerves is what. she comes down and practically sits on me and starts whispering things even i didn't want to hear in my ear. it was about to get worse when you all showed up." he explained, running a hand through his hair.

"ah yes, draco malfoy, the man who loves whispering things in women's ears but can't let any woman be more dominant than him." jordan said boredly, inspecting her jet black nails.

he opened his mouth the say something before she beat him to it. "what? disagree?" she challenged.

"actually yes, i love dominant women but i have to be the one whispering." he said, coming up to her and she sighed.

"that just takes away the whole point malfoy. i bet you're actually a bottom." she taunted and his eyes narrowed.

"i'm not. you'd like to know wouldn't you?" he said and she shrugged.

"maybe i would, find out how bad those daddy issues are." she said, tapping her cheek before smirking and heading to her dorm.

"running are we?" he called and she tossed a wink back to him, still continuing her path.

daphne and jackie grinned at each other before looking at where jordan had gone.

"completely insufferable that one." draco muttered, moving back to his couch.

jordan in the other hand shut the door and burst out in giggles.

oh how she loved teasing the oh so mighty draco malfoy.

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