twenty seven

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a few saturdays later, jordan found herself looking for a spot to read outside.

it was starting to get colder and jordan wanted to be able to spend her last few days of summer enjoying the outside.

just as she was giving up on finding a spot, she saw a familiar puff of blonde hair sitting under a tree.

she hesitated.

draco and her weren't exactly on the best terms as he was still irritated about umbridge using torture methods as punishment.

but against her better judgment, she skipped over and took a seat next to him.

draco looked up from his notebook, startled at the presence of a newcomer, until he realized it was jordan.

"don't mind me malfoy. i'm just looking for somewhere to read. i'll be quiet i promise. and i won't look in your little diary, if that's what it is." jordan said, waving the white flag to their truce.

"fine." was all he said and jordan sighed, pulling out her french novel.

after a couple minutes of reading, she looked over at draco and frowned.

she didn't like fighting with him, well more like she didn't like him being mad at her for longer than a day or two.

but this had gone on for weeks, and it was getting on her nerves.

"malfoy." she said and he looked at her with an annoyed expression. "i'm sorry. but there's nothing we can do now. she's in here for good, another student will fess up to her doings. and it'll probably be potter, knowing his big mouth."

draco tried to control a smile at her words but could and soon found himself grinning at the ground.

he didn't like staying mad at jordan but he was irritated that she didn't want to say anything.

"thank you jones. but i swear to salazar if that bitch hurts you again i'll make her pay." he said darkly and jordan smiled, the sun catching her eyes and making them glow.

"i know you will. now can i please see what you've been doing in that journal?" she asked and he shook his head.

"no way. it's private jones. p-r-i-v-a-t-e." he spelled out, making jordan roll her eyes.

"i know how to spell you hippogriff lover." she insulted and draco smirked, thinking back to third year.

jordan went back to reading her book and draco went back to his journal.

after a while, draco felt a pressure on his shoulder and cautiously loved to see jordan laying her head on him and continuing to read her book softly.

he could hear french phrases come out of her mouth fluently and a small smile became set on his face.

he turned to a new page and began something new.

jordan just continued reading, oblivious to draco drawing her.

"jordan." draco said softly once he finished and jordan poked her head up.

"holy- wow that's amazing draco!" she said with a giant smile and he blushed a little.

"do you like it?" he asked and she nodded, studying the picture.

"it's brilliant. you're brilliant." she smiled and draco shut his notebook.

"so that's what you've been doing in there. i love it." she told him and he smiled, looking towards the late afternoon light.

"do you really think there's good in the world jones?" he asked her all of a sudden.

she was taken back for a minute before nodded. "of course. there's good everywhere. in daphne, in jackie, goyle, blaise, you. you're all good." she told him with a small smile.

"jordan there is no good in me. i'm evil." he said and she shook her head.

"you can be but it looks good on you. and for being good, draco that art is amazing. that holds a lasting innocence i don't think anybody could or would recreate." she told him, picking at some grass.

he just sat there frozen. somebody saw good in him. maybe there was a heaven after all.

the two got up to leave soon and get ready for dinner.

jordan met up with her girls, and felt like she hadn't seen them in forever.

"so i assume everything good between you two again? we can all be in the same room together now?" daphne asked, nodding at draco.

jordan nodded. "yeah we're all good."

the girls went up to their room and decided to get ready for dinner, jordan putting a little bit of effort into her look.

she wore a dark green sweatshirt with a collared shirt underneath it as well as a black skirt to show off her legs.

she added her school flats and the turned to jackie and daphne who nodded in approval.

"very nice and simple." daphne complimented and jackie followed along.

the three left their dorm and went to the common room, getting more looks than normal.

the girls weren't just there anymore. they stood out as some of the most beautiful girls in hogwarts. all three of them.

this, of course, made them gain attention for guys and girls both, but jordan always turned them down. she wasn't really much for relationships.

well, for the most part.

unfortunately that ideology got her into some trouble.

"jordan. jordan jones? i'm adrian pucey. we met last year." the boy said walking up to the dark haired girl and giving her a confident smile.

jordan just nodded, making his smile waived a little bit.

"well i just wanted to let you know that you're the most beautiful girl i've ever seen and i was wondering if you wanted to go to hogsmeade together next weekend?" he asked and jordan stopped, a small smile making its way into her lips.

"really?" she asked shyly, a little blush dusting her cheeks.

adrian nodded with a brilliant smile. "yeah, you're stunning and from what i've heard you're a brilliant witch. so i figured i'd give it a shot. is that a yes?" he asked and she nodded.

"yeah, yeah of course!" she said smiling brightly and he matched her smile.

"awesome. i'll see you later." he said and she nodded, catching up with her friends.

"so someone's got a date to hogsmeade."

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