forty nine

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narcissa's ball came sooner than jordan would've liked but she reluctantly got ready anyways.

"jordan darling, a present came for you." jerald said, walking into jordans room as she sat at her desk.

he was holding a small box wrapped in a black wrapping, topped with a green bow.

she grinned excitedly, taking the present and opening it to see a gorgeous, gold necklace.

"oh this is gorgeous!" she grinned, laying it on her vanity with all her jewelry and makeup.

she starting running water for her bath and added her favorite perfume to the water.

she took a long bath and finally felt relaxed.

after soaking for a while, she got out before the water turned her into a prune.

she got into her robe and sat down at her vanity, playing with her jewelry, procrastinating getting ready.

finally, jordan was dry, giving her the signal to get ready.

she got into her dress and sat back down at her vanity, doing some makeup.

she added a firey red lipstick and then put on her jewelry, including the dazzling necklace.

she smiled contently as she looked at herself in the mirror.

she had to admit, diana was right about black not being jordans color.

red was doing her favours.

she looked around the room and saw her presents for the malfoys, so she called in her helping hand.

"happy christmas holly!" jordan said with a smile, grabbing the house elf's present.

"miss jordan! thank you!" holly squeaked, hugging jordan.

"here, i got you some bonnets and dresses." jordan said, holding out the three dresses and multiple hats.

"thank you miss jordan! thank you indeed!" holly grinned and jordan nodded.

"it's christmas holly, and we're going to the malfoys tonight for their ball, could you be a darling and take my presents over to their manor?" jordan asked in the nicest voice possible and holly nodded.

"anything miss jordan!" she said, popping away to put her presents away before coming back in a split second to take all the presents over.

jordan was ecstatic to see how draco liked his presents. she had gotten him a new tie because he was always loosing his, and she had some, as well as a practice snitch and a book of unusual spells.

"jordan! time to go!" she heard jerald call and she quickly strapped on a pair of slightly dramatic, red heels and trotted down the stairs to her father.

"my, my little girl isn't so little anymore." he said, wiping a fake tear away.

jordan rolled his eyes and grabbed onto his arm so they could apparate.

before she knew it, they were outside the manor and jerald tugged her arm so they could actually go inside.

jordan just sighed as they walked up the stairs and into the manor.

"jerald! jordan!" she heard and they turned around to see lucius and narcissa walking towards them.

"lucius! narcissa! my two favorite people!" jerald laughed, shaking lucius hand and pecking narcissa on the cheek.

the older woman smiled before turning to jordan.

"draco's in his room, finishing getting ready. i think he was having trouble with a tie, or shall i say finding a tie." the woman said and jordan blushed a little before laughing.

"i can go help him then." she said, excusing herself and walking towards the stairs before getting stopped by the gorgeous christmas tree.

quickly thinking, she grabbed her present for draco and headed up the stairs.

she knocked on the door she knew was his, and heard a faint "what?" from inside.

grinning, she pushed open the door to see him standing in front of the mirror, looking back at her.

"jordan, you look-wow." he said and she blushed, looking down at her dress before going in and closing the door.

"you too." she said, setting the present down before looking at his collar.

"your mom said you were having tie issues." she continued, playing with the collar and he rolled his eyes.

"that's because all my nice ones are scattered around your dorm room back at hogwarts." he said and jordan smirked, letting go of his collar.

"i didn't hear you complaining about it last time i checked." she said, starting to move away but he trapped her with his arms.

"i haven't seen you all break and this is greeting i get?" he asked with a devilish smiling rising onto his face.

jordan just smirked and rolled her eyes at his actions.

"i would kiss you but it would be very obvious i wasn't helping you with your tie problem." jordan laughed and he groaned.

"right." and with that jordan turned around and grabbed the box, showing it for him to take.

draco smiled in surprise, taking the box and unwrapping it to see a nice, green and black tie.

"this is perfect, thank you love." he said, kissing the top of her head.

jordan smiled, taking it out of the box and started to tie it for him.

as she did this, draco became fascinated with the necklace he had given her, watching it as it danced across her collar bones and neck with grace.

"it looks really good on you." he said suddenly and jordan looked up to see him staring at the necklace.

"it's gorgeous draco, let me guess, narcissa picked it out?" jordan asked and draco laughed.

"how'd you know?" he asked and she smiled.

"just a feeling." jordan shrugged.

draco sighed and went over to his bed side table, taking a box back to jordan.

"here, i picked this one out. my parents would've had a fit if they found out i bought this for you." he said with a laugh and handed the box to jordan.

she gave him curious glances as she opened the gift before putting a hand over her mouth and laughing.

"oh my god, draco! i love it!" she laughed, throwing her arms around dracos neck.

inside the box was a polaroid camera.

"happy christmas darling."

"happy christmas love."

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