The battle of geonosis

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The meeting was almost complete. The commerce guild had signed the treaty and the techno union and trade federation had fully agreed to field their entire armies against the republic in the war that was sure to come.

Avona had also signed and agreed that the raxon trade guild would support the CIS but she was very skeptical about her Allies.

The meeting was soon interrupted by a soldier who reported that a Jedi and a senator had been spotted in the main assembly complex .

Count dooku immediately commanded the droids and geonosian guards to capture them immediately. He knew that the deaths of two Jedi, and a senator would surely spread fear in the Republic.

However Avona was the most reluctant to comply with this supposed execution order cause to her. The three prisoners had done nothing wrong aside from trespass and to Avona that didn't warrant the death sentence.

However nute gunray was all to eager to see senator amidala killed.

Eventually, the two were captured by droid forces and sent to the arena to be killed . The aftermath of the treaty had an article that specifically stated for Avona she could join the CIS military but she would hold the rank of lieutenant colonel. Not a very prestigious rank, but she didn't really care, especially since she was still the minister of the Raxon trade guild, and drive yards so the confederacy still needed her permission to use both assets. It was just in a military scope she could only command up to a lieutenant, colonel level.

Avona was assigned to monitor the arena from the command center in the catacombs of the arena. She, of course had her eight bodyguards with her and a handful of B1s and B2s However, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was up.

(An: I don't know what the three animals that were used to attempt to the execution were so if anyone does know what they're called, please comment).

Avona stared in Shock at the three large beasts who lumbered towards the three prisoners. She could tell they were all hungry and eager to kill, and she knew that the rest of the separatist council was watching this with gleeful anticipation much to her disgust.

On Morelia, she preferred honorable combat, and had laws that specifically stated execution were forbidden unless the crime was severe enough, and in battle, she would not stomach the merciless killing of defenseless beings.

However, just as the three prisoners escaped their chains and droids, began to enter the arena to contend with the 3. Hundreds of Jedi suddenly appeared out of nowhere and joined the fight.

Avona wasn't even surprised when the B1s and B2s were easily cut to pieces by the Jedi, of course, due to the sheer number of droids, this data level, the playing field a little bit, and Avona did a recognize several key Jedi, who she had particular hatred towards.

Those were mace windu, ki adi Mundi. The reason she hated these two in particular were because they were the Jedi, who did eventually investigate her family assassination, but declared that there was not enough evidence to pin it on a criminal or suspect, and therefore they abandoned the case.

Her anger was only increased when she noticed young Padawans fighting in the arena beside the Jedi, masters, and knights it only further reinforced her on the Jedi claiming to be peacemakers, and yet they were essentially a cult that brainwashed, innocent families and children.

She hated how they felt omnipotent and their belief that if they show up the planet should just fall in line with the Republic, she hated that.

She knew not all Jedi were like that, but for the most part, that's what they were slaves to a corrupt republic.

As the fighting raged on in the arena, she noticed the Jedi losing ground and were soon surrounded by the droids and trapped in a small circle.

However, her thoughts were soon interrupted by a security droid pointing out one of the monitors sensors.

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