Battle of munilist

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(An: the support on this story is awesome, so I thought I would reward it by updating the story again this week. Hope you all enjoy.)

(1st person perspective Avona).

It had been a week since the battle of geonosis and already the war was fully underway. Our separatist droid armies, advanced across the galaxy, aiming to defeat the Republic as soon as possible.

However, I was currently not heading to the Battlefield . After geonosis I was summoned to raxus to testify before the confederacy parliament. They wanted another testimony on the battle, and since I was one of the highest ranking officials to remain there for the longest time, my testimony they felt was worthy of being told in person, rather than threw away threw a hollo recording.

Arriving at the parliament building, I was escorted in by two B1s. The main body of the parliament building was massive hundreds of senators sat on either side of a large room with tables at the center and of course a podium Dooku however, since this war is now underway, I can imagine he probably won't be present here in person very often.

But there he his eyes staring at me as I approached one of the tables and took my seat.

"Lt Colonel Avona you were present at the battle of Geonosis when the Republic attacked was this attack unprovoked." A Senator questioned me with a judgmental glare.

A glare that I knew, demanded the truth, and I would give it.

"No this was not unjustified the separatist council was holding senator padme amidala to be executed along with two Jedi, so they were most likely here to free their companions, not wage open war against us. But since we met them with force, and now that they are aware of our droid armies, I can only imagine that the republic will want us destroyed more than ever knowing their corruption."

They were voices of agreement with my statement I knew, for a fact that many of these senators hated corruption, and I knew that the parliament often took itself seriously regards to humanitarian efforts efforts that I frequently donated money to or supplies and even ships .

"What do you propose to help us deal with this coming war."

"I'm sorry Senator Burtoni I don't entirely understand the question."

" all right let me rephrase. What would you believe our best strategy is for both political and military matters in regards to this new conflict."

"I'm sorry ma'am I can't exactly answer that with the current state of my clearance, I am only a lieutenant colonel such a question would be better directed for a general."

"This is not a court or an official meeting. We want your honest opinion don't hold back." She replied honestly.

"Very well with the current state of our droid armies and fleets, I would estimate that this war is definitely going to be a lengthy one however, as you all know in time there is propaganda and I know for a fact that the Republic will do anything possible to demonize us. That is why I recommend that we attempt to enforce and teach the doctrines held within the article of the Naboo war law convention."

The parliament then began to murmur. Many of them were of course, aware of the Naboo war law convention. It was a government meeting that was held by the high Republic back in the day that outlined the rules of as well as the treatment of prisoners of war and civilians in the case of conflict.

Though the treaty existed, it had not been mentioned for quite some time due to their never being a large scale war of this scale in centuries .

"Why do you recommend we attempt to enforce and teach these doctors, lieutenant colonel?" Another Senator questioned me with a raised eyebrow.

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