The Failure

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Narrator: All out war. After the republic defeat at Kynar the Jedi summoned master pong Krell to explain what had happened. Meanwhile planning was underway for a republic counter attack to retake ryloth as well.
(Jedi temple).

Krell would be lying if he said he didn't feel a little intimidated. He was currently surrounded by the greatest Jedi in the order and he was before them with only failure to report.

"Master Krell what happened at Kynar. We were told that you could accomplish the victory and yet here you are defeated." Adi Galia says with a mocking tone.

"Master galia with respect I did everything I could as per your instructions and I almost won if not for the separatists brutal and dishonorable tactics." Krell defended himself hoping to get her off his back.

"Explain please ." Windu says gesturing for him to continue.

"You see. Confederacy General Avona had orders three simultaneous attacks. So I had to divide my men to counter them. To make matters worse her fleet had returned so we had no air support. Finally her bombers destroyed the town of Andon and only 900 of the 8'000 civilians survived." Krell reported.

He was lying he knew very well what had actually happened but he knew that if the other council members caught wind of the truth he'd be in deep trouble.

"Really if that was the case master krell. How come you lost over 15'000 clones of the total 12'000 strong legion plus reinforcements. Droids are not that efficient at killing clones. So tell me how is it possible you returned with 1'000 men." Obi wan questioned his tone indicating he didn't believe a word Krell said at all.

Krell was about to repots but Windu beat him to it.

"Master Kenobi this is Avona we're talking about she escaped a heavily a mess cruiser with just 8 men and she was the supposed CHEIF advisor at the battle of christophsis." Windu replied defending Krell.

"Agreed if anyone could make the droids more effective it would be her. She's essentially the human equivalent to Confederacy admiral trench with her efficiency and skills." Mundi added.

The council fell into silence for about ten minutes. On one hand Krell's story seemed believable but on the other had the lose of 15'000 clones could not be ignored.

Finally  after further silence Yoda spoke. "Hmmm underestimate Avona we did a mistake to make again we must not. Consider new campaigns now we must dismissed you are master Krell."

Boeing krell left the council chambers smirking victoriously as he did.

"Now then what's our plans for ryloth." Obi wan began.

"We already have the plan it's just the start date we need to decide." Tin replied.

"Let's attack in two months. By then my legion and Obi wans will be ready. Skywalker can command the space attack with his fleet since it should have the resources to spare for it." Windu says pulling up a hologram of the area.

The council was silent again as they contemplated the plan. Two months was quite a while but for their benefit. Avona was not going to be anywhere close since her army was still recovering at Kyran.

"Launch yeh attack we will in two months. Liberate the Twi leks we must." Yoda stated firmly.

(The calamity). 2 months after Kyran.

Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now