Republic Devastation

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(An: Firstly let me apologize I Know some of you were expecting a bigger gap in between this and the last chapter. The reason for me doing two is because this one was supposed to be a part of the last chapter but I ran out of time to add it. So please enjoy and please don't hate).

Narrator: War on Kynar following the costly breakthrough by republic Forces. General Avona and her army with the aid of carefully planned deception dealt a crushing blow to the republic. However refusing to give up Krell continued to launch continuous attacks and with only minor reinforcements the campaign was severely costing the republic outer rim forces.

(Republic Camp). 1 week later.

Krell was livid his legion had been failing for the last week and the only notable victory was finally taking the Valley but only after 3 attempts and another 9'000 Casualties Furthermore When they did finally take the supposed separatist base it was deserted and all their heavy equipment was gone.

His legion had been reinforced and was restored to 12'000 fighting strength but the fleet was still not in good shape. The fleet was still undergoing heavy repairs and The admiral estimated it would take 3 weeks for their cruisers to be at sufficient fighting strength again.

Krell was determined to win a victory and even If he failed to kill Avona. His thoughts were interrupted by his clone commander.

"Sir our scouts have located another separatist base about 100 clicks east of our position should we scout it out and attack." The commander informed him dread Filling His voice at the prospect of another massacre.

"No commander there will be no more Ground attacks." Krell responded coldly.

"Sir." The commander questioned confused.

However Krell Ignored Him going to the holo Table and he contacted the fleet.

(Admiral Vidar POV).

Never in my 7 years of service in the republic service have I ever seen such an incompetent leader. I was Under half a mind to take Krell in for a court martial but I knew his stupid allies would just defend him and he would most likely twist the truth to the point I'd be punished fir supposed insubordination.

Rubbing my forehead to ward off another head ache as I made my way to the bridge.

I internally groaned at the sight of krells ugly mug in Hologram form.

"Is there something You need general."

"Yes a squadron of Y-wings."

I was puzzled by this request it almost seemed like he was taking a more honest approach to military warfare But I could tell that there was something more behind his request.

"What for. if I may ask." I questioned with a raised Eyebrow.

"I need aerial support to Take the new separatist base exactly 100 clicks east of my position."

I wanted to question him more But I knew Better since last time I had been chucked into a wall. Nodding My head I called for a bomber squadron to head to the surface.

About 2 hours later I was reviewing the Holomap and I noticed that there was no sign of the bombers yet at all. Puzzled I tried to contact them only to find I was jammed.

I immediately turned to the Head technician.

"Captain Lahn why can't I get through to the Hunter squadron."

"I'm not sure sir I'm trying to sort teh problem now." He responded quickly while turning to the communication panel and trying to identify the route of the problem.

Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now