The Death watch

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Narrator: Defeat. Following the chaotic retreat from geonosis General Avona and the confederacy barely manage to escape from geonosis. However poggle the lesser was captured and imprisoned by the Jedi. Desperate to turn things back in their favor count dooku commands General Avona to prepare an army and rendezvous with the death watch.

(Xeona system). 1 week later

Avona was pacing back and forth on the deck of the calamity the feelings of stress and worry crushing her worse than the force.

The source of her stress was the order count Dooku gave her a week ago.


Dooku stared into Avona's eyes full of anger and a fire a fire desiring justice and victory.

"I admire your determination to defeat the republic however I have another mission for you." Dooku says pulling up a hologram. "You are to take your army and rendezvous on Concordia with our allies there."

Avona's glare instantly vanished. "Sir." She questions with a raised eyebrow.

Ignoring her questioning tone Dooku continues. "We need the resources and hyperspace lanes controlled by mandalore and the death watch is our best bet at getting our hands on them."

Avona was stunned not only was he ordering her to attack a neutral world he was also ordering her to work with terrorists.

Avona wanted to refuse to yell at Dooku to get someone else. But she knew that more lives would perish if she refused to follow these orders.

"By your command my lord. However I warn you since the Kynar system is still not fully secured and my army is weak after the recent failure at geonosis. I will need some time to rebuild the army." Avona informed him still bowing.

Dooku stared at her unimpressed by this news which wasn't surprising it was well known that Dooku did not tolerate failure or lack of action among his commanders.

Seeing his glare Avona immediately corrected herself.

"Sir I meant no disrespect or appearing to lack dedication. I simply need time to get droids from my smaller droid factories to replenish my tanks a little bit. But you have my word that we will be underway to Concordia in a week."

(An: note the Raxon trade guild doesn't just make ships they make a lot more things but battle droids are one of their products since it's war time just thought I'd make that clear in case someone is confused).

Dookus frown disappeared being satisfied with Avona's explanation and time table.

"Very well general see that it's done." Dooku commands.

(End of flash back).

Avona stood on the bridge staring out into the vast expanse of space watching her ships arrive one by one.

Her thoughts and sight seeing were interrupted by the arrival of TX-1943.

"Mam the last to the reinforcements have arrived. We have 6 divisions assembled ready for deployment. "

"Good." Avona replied turning to him. "Make ready the fleet and make way for Concordia at once." Avona ordered solemnly.

"Also mam you have a transmission from
Lord Vizsla." The droid informed her pulling out his holo communicator

Vizsla: Ah general avona a pleasure to meet you. Now I'm going to assume you know who I am." He says his chest puffing out in pride and arrogance.

Avona had to try extremely hard not to scowl. She hated these egotistical spoiled brats who called themselves leaders. It reminded her too much of the galactic senate.

Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now