Avona's Wrath

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(An: I just wanted to say thank you all. It really does bring a smile to my face seeing your positive comments and votes. I have always been a fan of clone wars and when I came up with the Concept for Avona I didn't think it would get almost 2'000 reads in a month. So thank you guys seriously and I hope you all enjoy this chapter).

4 clones Shocker, charge, Scanner, Wave. Commander gree had ordered them to guard the west prison Hallway to prevent any droids from attacking that side and to stop an escape if the general or Viceroy tried anything.

"I can't believe it Argyus a traitor."

"Pffft just goes to show you that nothing beats us." Shocker praised while Scoffing at the new traitor.

"Is anyone else concerned about that lose assassin though I mean she has two lightsabers for crying out loud."

"Calm down wave. "Sargent charge ordered. "The Jedi will deal with that assassin we just have make sure that no tinnies try to bust out our other guest." He scoffed at the word Guest.

Their conversation lulled back into silence. Scanner leaned up against the wall, Wave was still a bit tense but he did seem to be more relaxed, Charge was pacing the hallway his blaster firm on his chest.

Their silence was interrupted when they heard metallic marching headed towards them.
at first they thought it was super battle droids until they realized that Commander gree had already told them that most of the Droids had been destroyed already.

However they soon heard blaster fire and saw two of their brothers from teh east quadrant charge down the hallway firing at something.

Charge was about to order his men forward to assist them but he soon saw the two of them just fall dead.

"SHIFTER, HAMMER." He cried out in dismay. Steeling his resolve he turned to his squad. "Check your aim men get ready to mow those seppies Down." He commanded.

Turning his gaze around he spotted two men in silver armor on the opposite end. Charge had never seen droids like them but he wasn't going to elf that stop him or his men. "OPEN FIRE." He orders as his brothers unloaded on the two individuals.

However the two silver men simply marched forward. The clones became terrified when they saw that their blasters had no effect on them.

"Our turn." One of them growled robotically raising their guns at the 4 clones.

In 4 precise shots they took down the clones and began to Hotwire the door.


Carmiya was furious her sister had been taken prisoner by the republic and she was determined to get her back.

Earlier they had spotted gunray running with a Senate commando suspicious Camriya sent 3 of her men to follow them while her squad pressed forward.

They eventually entered a corridor littered with droids and clones.

"This is it. My sister's on the other side of that door."

"Well what are we waiting for let's go." A soldier replied eagerly before Carmiya stopped him.

"No let's find another way. You two take point." Carmiya gestured to two of her other men who nodded before heading to the west hoping there would be another entrance.

(With gunray).

Rushing ti the ship attached to the venator gunray and arguyus were tense due to clones still being around and on high alert.

Gunray only relaxed when they got to the cockpit.

As argyus was about to detach from the cruiser a stun blast suddenly hit him in the back. Turning around Gunray was horrified to see three silver individuals who looks like clones.

"Please I'm just a pawn I'll cooperate."

"Shut up." The leader growled before turning to his companions. "Do not detach the ship and await the assassins arrival."

Nodding his men began to secure their escape route.


"Have you hacked the door yet." I asked impatiently.

"Yes mam just gotta pull this wire." My lieutenant replied before pulling out a wire and the door opened up to the shock of a commando.

Not wasting time I simply shot him.

Entering the prison block I noticed several dead commandos and a knocked out clone when was beginning to stir.

"Stun him and free the general." I commanded pointing at the only active cell and the clone.

Nodding two of them shot at the door overriding it's controls, my lieutenant knocked out the clone commander.

When Avona left the cell she looked no worse for wear.

"Carmiya I'm glad you came for me." I felt my chest swell at the look of pride in Avona's eyes.

"Of course we'd never abandon you general."

Avona smiled at my response slightly amused. "Carmiya I'm your sister and you have more than enough of a right to call me by my name you know. Now I trust you have a way off this flaming scrap heap."

"Yup hold on one second." I replied contacting the other squad. "Sargent have you secured the ship?"

"Yes mam. Also there will be some individuals I think you and the general will be most interested in seeing." He replied before hanging up.

(3rd POV).

Avona and her knights quickly exited the cell block and ran to where the sergeants beacon was.

Reaching the main entrance avona was surprised at the sight that greeted her.

Ventress, the tractor commando, gunray were all on their knees her knights aiming at their heads Gunray and the commando were terrified but after seeing Avona ventress found her voice.

"Avona order these men to release me now." Ventress demanded.

Avona gave her a smug look but after pondering for a moment she turned to her knight towering over Ventress and gave him a nod.

"Don't make me regret this." Avona declared, dismissing her with a Wave of her hand before facing arguyus. "You know if there's one thing I hate more than cowards it's traitors." Avona growled as her men prepared to fire.

"But I also have mercy and I think your intel on the senate will be useful for our war effort am I correct." Avona questioned giving him a look that dared him to disagree with her.

"Yes general I'll tell you everything." He replied nervously.

"Fine release him." Avona growled before turning to gunray  pulling out her pistol that her knights had returned to her.

Laughing nervously Gunray met her eyes filled with fury.

"Now general avona I can explain everything.." he was cut off by avona who pistol smacked him across his face forcing him to the floor.

"Make no mistake you slime ball. You left me for dead and every bone in my body is screaming  at me to kill you." Avona growled to the cowering viceroy.

"But I'll show mercy for now." She finished before turning to her sister. "Head to the third fleets current position as Donn as we arrive we will have two droids escort this moron and the others back to raxus." Avona ordered.

Nodding her sister went to carry ou her sister's instructions.

'I've had it up to here with this incompetence. It's time to reinforce my skills with victories and I intend to make the republic regret trying to capture and turn me.' Avona thought to herself a smile forming on her face the prospect of kicking the Jedis butts again filling her with glee.

An: surprise thought I'd update a bit sooner than usual. I am so grateful for all of you who read and send positive feedback and those who simply read this book it means a lot.

Anyways I had a question for all you awesome fans: who do you want to see appear in this story let me know and I'll add them it's still early on or who do you want to see more of comment.

Please have a great day.

Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now