The Beskar Knights

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(Raxon Drive yards 3rd POV).

Narration: War. After Avona narrowly escaped with the malevolence she requested that it be decommissioned for Project Death striker. Dooku gave his approval to the young rising star. Now after 3 months the malevolence is now nothing more than pieces waiting to be assembled into new weapons for the confederacy.

"As you can see governess we gave managed to take apart the Malevolence bridge and most of its weapon emplacements. However it is proving to take far longer to take apart it's super structure."

Avona was silent her gaze looking down on the many droids taking the malevolence apart piece by piece. 

"I see. Advisor Cathan." Turning her gaze back towards her Advisor. "But I didn't come here to listen to a report I already know. what I want to know is did you locate the resources I need to turn project death striker into a true master plan." 

"Uh yes Mistress." The minister replied pulling up a hologram on the main table that showed a planet and it's two moons. "The planet of Sybron and its moons have been discovered to contain large amounts of raw Beskar." 

Avona smiled at the good news the advisor just delivered to her. 

"Excellent. What does intelligence have on republic forces nearby." 

"Well Sybron is an untapped planet in the outer rim and unpopulated so not much is known about it. However Intelligence believes that with the republics patrol patterns it wont take them long to find it."

"I see. Advisor continue to supervise the recycling of the Malevolence I will take the 3rd army and 3 divisions of miner droids from the drive yards and head to Sybron."

"Mam even with 3 divisions of Miner droids there's no way you can harvest all that raw Beskar before the republic arrives." The advisor protested.

"I know that Cathan. I don't care about getting all of it once I have a sufficient amount for project DeathStriker I'll Blow the mines."

"Very well Mistress I know better than to question your judgement." The advisor replied with a bow.

After leaving the main conference room Avona Commed her tactical droid.


"Yes Mistress." 

"Gather the 3rd army we just located the jackpot."

"I understand mam I shall gather the fleet at once."

Not wasting Time Tx-1943 gathered the 3rd army and its fleet and after 3 hours of waiting Avona arrived with her miner droids before heading to The Sybron System.

The eventually came out of lightspeed over the barren world.

"Mam our scans show no signs of intelligence life." Tx-1943 reported.

"I see. Begin our landings and I want the miner droids set up by the end of the day at the major Beskar mines have the rest of the men set charges on the smaller mines."

"May I ask why mam. I thought our objective was to retrieve enough Beskar for Project DeathStriker."

"Oh believe me we will have enough. I just want to deny the republic valuable resources they could use against our front line forces."

"I see so we only need a bit not all of it."

"Exactly now hurry up I want to get as much Beskar as possible before the republic arrives."

The droids hurried to comply with her orders.

(Republic 6th Fleet) 2 weeks later.

Anakin stood on the bridge of the resolute he was currently feeling very anxious. Intelligence had just informed them that Avona's 3rd fleet was sighted near the Planet of Sybron. Anakin and his fleet were dispatched to contend with her due to republic Intelligence learning about the Planets richness of Beskar Ore They knew it would be a massive advantage to either side who acquired the powerful metal.

Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now