The counter attack

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(AN: so I would like to apologize for the last chapter. I accidentally named it the same as my earlier battle of geonosis chapter so I'm sorry about that. Also second thing I know this update is a little early but I was excited so please enjoy again I apologize for using the same title as an earlier chapter in the last one).

Narrator: all out invasion. Following the costly initial battle the republic has successfully landed its army and reinforcements were called in. Desperate to stop the republic from taking the factory avona plans a final counterattack to turn the tide of the battle.

(Factory command room).

Avona stared at the holomap worry filling her. In the last 3 days since the battle began the republic had been sending minor reinforcements to back up their army stationed here.

Avona had barely slept as she constantly tried to figure out a plan to defeat the republic

The republic blockade had been supporting the ground attack with air raids on her eastern army so launching a full on assault would be a bad idea.

Fortunately they had dug into the canyons and valleys in the east and were suffering only minor losses to the air raids. But her army was now down to only 41'000 effective fighting strength.

However the republic air superiority made it difficult for Avona to plan a counter offensive. Especially since she didn't want to dedicate her forces to a plan that was too complicated and relies too much on luck.

Poggle had informed her about the new super tanks. However avona knew that unless they were on open ground the super tanks would be next to useless for her counter attack.

But she knew that the republic was also in a difficult position.

She recognized that they most likely couldn't just ignore her army in the east while they hit the factory and she knew who was now most likely in command of republic forces here on geonosis.

Anakin skywalker. A Jedi who avona hated due to his frequent disregard of the Naboo convention.

Her thoughts were interrupted by the arrival of poggle and his droid.

"General avona lord poggle wished for me to inform you of the factory's current production rate." The tactical droid says gesturing to poggle.

Avona gestured for him to go on. "We have 20 garrisons of new droids ready now. However the super tanks are not yet ready." The droid reports.

Avona was silent still staring at the holo map trying to decipher any form of weakness the republic was in.

however after looking at the path leading to the factory she suddenly had an idea.

"Commander do you think the republic will attempt a direct assault on the factory." Avona questioned gesturing to the bridge.

"No it would be too reckless for them to do such a thing." the droid replied.

Avona stood up at the word reckless.

"No that's exactly what they want to do. Launch a full Frontal assault and draw us away from our AA guns and wipe out the factory with air power." Avona stated a smile forming on her face.

"Perfect if the republic is to distracted by an attack on the factory their rear will be weak." Avona pointed out pressing some buttons to make figures appear.

The droid and poggle moved closer to the holo table to get a look at what Avona's plan was.

"You see gentle men. If the republic is completely occupied by the supertanks and the factory they won't be expecting my army to attack them as well since they most likely believe they won't leave their dug in positions." Avona smiled at the two as her plan clicked with them.

Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now