The Rodia Incident

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Narrator: After the battle of the Sybron System Avona and the 3rd army retreated. However they managed to destroy 75% Of all the remaining Beskar supply on Sybron. Though in the midst of this terrible galactic war planets on both sides suffered tremendously with a lack of republic aid the planet Rodia reaches out to the raxon trade quid with hopes that their supply situation can be relieved. Agreeing to meet with the leadership Avona Sets course for Rodia.

Avona stared at the planet below her in awe. Rodia was truly a beautiful planet and Avona  the sight filled her with guilt as her thoughts turned to the war and all the sufferings the galaxy had suffered even before the war.

'If only the whole galaxy was like this planet the leadership treating their people with love and care this war would have never happened.'

However those weren't the only thoughts filling her brain.

(Flashback) 2 weeks ago.

"Sister." Avona replied shocked at the revelation.

"In the flesh sis." Her sister replied with a grin before the two embraced in a hug.

"What are you doing here I thought I told you to remain on Morelia till the war was over."

'And let my sister fight for freedom and peace on her own. Uhh I think not." her sister sassed.

"OK did you at least change your name though." Avona inquired concerned.

"Yes I thought the Sound of Carmiya Lexon had a nice ring to it eh." 

Avona was actually impressed her sister had clearly thought this through.

"OK but how did you get into the Beskar knights I made the Criteria relentless and very challenging."

Carmiya only shock her head in mock annoyance. "Really Avona. Did you forget we often sparred as kids and for the last 5 months of the war I was bored and I frequently sparred with your elite guard when you didn't require them."

"Alright that's fair." Avona replied a  small smile appearing on her face. "I'm just glad your now by my side to bear witness as we bring a new order and change to the galaxy."

Carmiya felt her chest fill with pride at her sisters praise. "trust me Avona I definitely want to see that pesky Jedi Order get a wake up call to reality." She replied Cracking her knuckles.

(Present time).

"Mam we are approaching the capital now."

Avona was pulled out of her thoughts and memories by her pilot.

"Thank You Reymat." Avona replied politely.

stepping out of her ship she was greeted By rodian Guards sent to escort her to the meeting with senator Farr.

Entering the main office Avona Bowed Politely to the senator and his entourage who did the same for her.

"A pleasure to meet you Minister Lexon I trust your ride here was comfortable." Farr Inquired politely offering her some refreshments.

"It was thank You." Avona replied while taking  a sip of her tea. "Now I want to get this off our chests so we can just get down to business Immediately. I may be a General for the confederacy But I am not here to convince you to join the CIS I am here strictly for humanitarian efforts. 

I have 100 transport ships currently enroute to bring the much needed relief your planet needs Senator."

Senator Farr and his entourage were shocked it was true they knew Avona's reputation of being a massive Humanitarian supplier But they had partially expected her to try and use it as leverage to convince Rodia to Join the CIS.

Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now