Battle of Geonosis

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Narrator: War in the outer rim. After retrieving the holocron the Jedi sent padme amidala to spy on separatist ally rush Clovis. During the mission she discovered the new droid factory on geonosis. However knowing the republic wouldn't ignore such crucial intelligence count Dooku commanded Avona to take her army and mount a defense of geonosis.

(Atmosphere of Geonosis).

Avona's command ship began its descent and looking around she could already tell this wasn't going to be east cause despite the fact that they had a droid factory she knew the republic wouldn't be pulling any punches to shut it down.

What concerned her was if the republic learned about the weapons this factory was making not only would it be second to impossible to hold the republic off it would also be very unlikely she could command an effective retreat.

However instead of letting those thoughts eat her she decided to begin to plan her defense and the best way to do that would be to speak to poggle.

"We are now approaching the main foundry mam."

"Good inform lord poggle of our arrival and tell him I wish to speak to him." Avona commands.

"Yes mistress."

After ten more minutes they land near the main foundry where two geonosian guards approach to escort Avona and her knights to poggle.

She had left Carmiya at Kynar to watch Mila and to command the planet forces. Since she couldn't bring the whole 3rd army she brought only 6 divisions which was formidable but against clones and Jedi she knew that number wouldn't do much to shape the outcome.

Arriving at the main command room she was met by poggle and his tactical droid. (An: I'm just gonna tho poggle talking so I'm not repeating myself with the droid saying the same thing).

"Welcome General Avona." Poggle says with a small bow.

"A pleasure lord poggle. I must admit you reclaiming geonosis is a true show of tactical skill and brilliance on behalf of the geonosian warriors."

"You honor us general. I must say you are not like most in the confederacy you don't seem to be as judgements about my people as other may I ask why."

"Of course. You see poggle as a general and governor I believe in the principle that all of us are equal not one species superior because of tech and intelligence. To me all are valuable to our great confederacy and all are equal so while your people are often called bugs they are not you all have brains your intelligent and skilled therefore I do not believe in the prejudice against you all."

Poggle seemed taken aback by her words but nonetheless was grateful to her for her kindness and sincerity.

"Once agin I thank you general. However I can't help but ask your here for something more than a friendly chat."

"Indeed I am. You see I was only able to birth 6 divisions from my main army and I wanted to ask you where would the best defensive position on this world be."

Poggle seemed to ponder her words before pulling up a map.

"Here. The eastern hemisphere has many ridges and cliffs where you and your droids can dig in. If possible you may even be able to force the republic into a war of attrition."

Avona smiled pleased with this information.

"Thank you lord poggle I shall make preparations to greet our Uninvited guests." Avona replied with a bow her smile still adorning her features.

Star wars the Clone wars: Avona the Master GeneralWhere stories live. Discover now