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One week later at the NJC

Shane's pov

"Who knew parenting kids through college would be so exhausting?" Mike sighed, collapsing on his back atop my bed.

"I'm guessing every parent with college-aged children," I sarcastically replied, smirking.

"Oh, so we're the only two oblivious idiots then?" Mike laced his fingers behind his head as he stared at my ceiling, lost in thought.

It's been an emotional past few weeks. Stacey's pregnancy, Julie's alcohol violation, and Lisa running away with Carrie in tow have put us through the wringer. I feel like a fool for naively believing once the girls were older, our job as their guardians would get easier. I have an inkling my best mate has also come to the conclusion that with age the issues our girls face become more complex and the trouble they find themselves in merits heavier consequences.

"Shane, I can't believe I honestly thought once they started college, there would be nothing our girls could throw at us that we hadn't seen before or dealt with already. Will they ever cease to surprise us with their misconduct?" Mike turned on his side to face me, squaring his elbow to prop up his head.

I chuckled at how in sync we were when it came to matters concerning our daughters.

"What?" Mike looked at me as I smiled shaking my head. "What's so funny?" He asked, more curious than offended by my mirth.

"Nothing, mate. I was just thinking the exact same thing, that's all."

"So when do we get to reap the rewards of all our hard work parenting four girls from childhood to adulthood? Where's our pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?" Mike looked at me expectantly.

"Well, if they take after you, I'm guessing we'll never see the day when they cease to give us a run for our money and actually start behaving," I replied.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mike scoffed in jest, pretending to be hurt by my analysis as he laid on his back, crossed his arms, and pouted.

"Seriously?" I asked laughing. When Mike nodded, I said, "Blimey! Neil punished you just last week, so you tell me when it ends, doctor."

"Oh, I see how it is, Admiral. When they behave, they're your kids but when they're hellions, they're mine."

"Good, I'm glad you understand." I grinned. "I was afraid I'd have to act it out with puppets to cater to your American sensibilities."

Mike's cell rang.

"Saved by the bell, gov'nor." Looking at the name on the screen, he sighed as he turned on his hip to face me. "It's Julie. I'm guessing she's either in trouble or in need of money. I honestly don't know which situation I'd prefer right now." Sitting upright, he swiped to answer. "Hello, darlin', give me just a second." Muting the phone, he said to me, "I'll let you get back to work while I take this in my room. We'll finish this later at the pub," Mike joked, referring to our playful ribbing.

On his way out, I saw him rub his forehead as I heard him sigh and say, "Don't tell me not to get mad, Julie. I'll decide that all on my own after you explain yourself." I shook my head and chuckled, wondering what mischief our second oldest had gotten herself into now.

Knock knock

"Come in," I shouted, not bothering to look up from the paperwork capturing my focus at the moment, assuming it was just Mike returning because he forgot something.

"Shane, can I talk to you for a minute?" Carrie asked shyly, entering cautiously while gently closing my door behind her.

Looking up at our youngest daughter, I smiled replying, "I'm almost positive you meant may I talk to you and the answer is always yes, sweetheart."

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