I truly didn't understand

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Dr. Curtis's office

Stacey's pov

I swallowed hard, bracing myself for this beat down.

"Sit down, Stacey Marie, and do not make the mistake of interrupting me or speaking out of turn."

I obediently sat and remained silent.

He rolled up his shirt sleeves, ran his fingers through his hair, and stood with his hands on his hips, his back to me.

"You should consider yourself extremely lucky I was unable to view that video, young lady."

I certainly am grateful of that, I thought to myself.

Dr. Curtis took a long, slow deep breath before turning to face me.

"The unmitigated gall you had to take matters into your own hands, practically leaves me speechless. Have your guardians or I somehow given you the impression that what you did to Mindy in the woods was in any possible way even remotely acceptable?"

So much for being speechless I thought as I examined my fingernails which were in desperate need of a fresh coat of polish. Oh oh, why is it suddenly quiet? Shit, did he ask me a question? I'm too scared to look at him now.

"Am I boring you, child?" Dr. Curtis bent to my eye level and gripped my chin tightly. It was amazing how quickly he shed his caring paternal persona to adorn his strict authoritarian one.

"No sir, not at all." I made the mistake of locking eyes with him, causing whatever confidence I had upon entering his office to vanish into thin air.

"I find your inability, or perhaps unwillingness, to pay attention while you're being reprimanded to not only be disrespectful, but also extremely unwise, young lady." Dr. Curtis let my chin drop as he stood to retrieve his paddle. "Tell me what you did wrong, Stacey Marie, and we may begin your punishment. Failure to recognize and voice your misdeeds will require an appearance by my belt so I strongly suggest you choose your words carefully."

Dr. Curtis spoke with so much authority that I wouldn't even dream of sassing him. The more dealings I have with him, the easier it is for me to understand why Mike and Shane both fear and respect him with such voracity.

"I took..."

He immediately interrupted me, "You will stand when speaking to me."

The steely tone in his voice made me shudder as I instantly rose from my seat.

"I won't be nearly as forgiving the next time you disrespect me so don't make that mistake again. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir, I apologize." I'm trying my best to mask my nervousness but I'm sure he can hear the fear in my voice as it falters.

"Tell me why you're so deserving of my correction, Stacey Marie."

I swallowed hard trying to force my rapidly beating heart down my throat and back into my chest cavity where it belonged. After reciting everything I did wrong by spanking Mindy, Dr. Curtis was ready to begin paddling me, or so I thought.

"In addition to the paddling you're about to receive, you'll be accompanying me at work for the next seven days. You will be at my beck and call and more than willing to graciously accept whatever grunt work comes your way. I expect you in my office immediately upon your return home from school and at 7am on Saturday and directly after church on Sunday. Have I made myself clear, young lady, or do you require assistance from a visual aid?" Dr. Curtis began to unbuckle his belt.

"No sir, I understand. I don't need help from a visual aid," I quickly and emphatically replied.

"Very well, let's commence with your punishment then. Assume the position over my desk and bare your backside," Dr. Curtis commanded in a no-nonsense tone, as he ominously tapped the paddle against his thigh.

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