My generosity comes with stipulations

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At the Foundation

Stacey's pov

"Hi, Dr. Curtis," I managed to squeak out timidly. I honestly feel like I'm three years old right now.

"Good morning, Stacey, Admiral." Dr. Curtis stood and came out from behind his desk to shake Shane's hand and give me a hug.

Oh, why did he have to do that? I thought. Now how am I supposed to disappoint him after that warm greeting? I feel like a total jerk.

"So how are you doing at university, Stacey?" Dr. Curtis asked, with genuine interest and concern, making this all the more difficult.

Suddenly finding my mouth overcome by dryness brought about by a lack of saliva, I bit my lower lip as I uttered, "Uh, that's actually what I came here to talk to you about, sir." I exhaled forcibly. Why was this so unbelievably difficult? Well, most likely it's due to the fact that Dr. Curtis still scares the crap out of me and probably always will.

Observing my hesitation, he prompted me, "Go on, Stacey, speak your mind."

I looked back pleadingly at Shane but he shook his head no and cleared his throat when I continued to stall.

Sighing, I ran my bottom lip through my teeth a couple times as I stared down at Dr. Curtis's blue grey carpeting, trying to garner up the nerve to deliver my bad news.

"Out with it, Stacey Marie. I'm a busy man with a full workload today," Dr. Curtis said sternly, giving me the push I needed to confess.

"I, uh, need some help paying my tuition this semester, sir, because I, uh, lost my scholarship due to poor academic performance." I spoke those last words barely above a whisper, erroneously believing they would carry less magnitude if uttered at a lower volume.

Dr. Curtis exhaled audibly as he visibly tensed, turning his back to me.

Standing with his hands on his hips, he asked, "Just how much money are we talking about, Stacey?"

"Three thousand dollars, sir." Despite my best intentions, I started to tear-up hearing the disappointment in Dr. Curtis's voice and feeling it in Shane's piercing glare.

Turning to face me, Dr. Curtis asked with a mixture of curiosity and disdain permeating his tone, "How, dear girl, did you lose your scholarship?"

"I, uh, let my grades drop by skipping several classes, missing some tests, and failing to turn in some assignments, sir." I wiped the tears that leaked from my eyes, feeling incredibly ashamed of myself.

"I see," he said sternly in a gravely serious voice, as he glanced at me then looked to Shane. "Why, pray tell, did your guardians allow it to come to this?" Dr. Curtis affixed his gaze on Shane as he spoke.

"I punished Stacey last night for her lack of focus, sir," Shane replied, in way of an explanation.

Shane's pov

"Some would say, too little too late," Neil narrowed his eyes at me, "and I would be inclined to agree with them, Admiral."

I swallowed hard and looked down at the floor to avoid Neil's harsh glare.

"We'll discuss this in private when I've dismissed Stacey. In the meantime, you may wait outside my office."

Feeling Neil's eyes on me, I reluctantly looked up and replied, "Yes sir," before closing the door behind me on my way out of his office. I felt bad leaving Stacey alone in there with him until I realized I was probably in just as much trouble, if not more, than my teenage daughter.

Stacey's pov

After Shane left, Dr. Curtis crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against his desk as he said, "I think you know how disappointing I find this situation you carelessly landed yourself into due to your immature behaviour. Don't you, Stacey Marie?"

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