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Julie's dormroom

Julie's pov

Mike smiled at my bewilderment.

"I'm honestly not a monster, Julie, I can appreciate your point of view." Speaking sternly now, he arched one eyebrow, "I do, however, believe you owe me an apology." Sensing my impending objection, Mike held up his hand. "Not for helping your sisters, but for worrying me unnecessarily by keeping me in the dark as to their whereabouts. Not to mention, failing to take my phone calls and refusing to respond to my texts. I believe we just recently had a discussion regarding that very topic. Am I correct?"

My cheeks flushed as I recalled Mike's punishment when I ignored his attempts to contact me regarding the alcohol sanction imposed by the school. I was still at a loss for words, however, as I didn't anticipate this argument over Mike's biased treatment of me versus my sisters coming to an end so abruptly, and certainly not due to Mike's acquiescence.

"Julie." Mike furrowed his brow as he waited.

"Uh, yeah, I'm sorry I didn't tell you they were here," I stammered my apology, still in shock.

"Come here." Mike motioned for me to stand in front of him.

As if on autopilot, my body complied as my mind continued to ponder the resolution to this conflict. Once I was within reach, Mike pulled me into his arms, warmly hugging me as he lovingly stroked my back.

"I love you, sweetheart, but if a situation like this should ever occur again, I want you to make a better decision next time. Understand?"

"Yes sir," I replied quietly.

"Good." Mike slapped my ass harshly twice before breaking our embrace.

"OW!" I looked at him questioningly as I rubbed my sore butt.

"That's for the unnecessary attitude you provided upfront, instead of a proper apology." Mike pointed his finger at me. "You should know better."

I nodded, knowing he was right.

After saying our goodbyes, Mike paused in the doorway.

"Oh, by the way, due to your unwise decision to harbor two fugitives and give me attitude in lieu of an apology, you're grounded this weekend so you can forget about going to that party. I'll be tracking your phone and calling and texting you periodically so you better stay put in this room and respond to my calls immediately, or you'll be coming home next weekend to answer to my belt. Understand?"

"How did you know about..." I let my thought go unfinished seeing the stern look on his face, respectfully replying, "Yes sir," instead.

Back at the NJC

Lisa's pov

The ride home was interminable. After I offered my forced apology to Mike, nobody spoke. The radio remained off and Mike confiscated my burner phone. We dropped Dr. Curtis off at the Foundation first and then drove to the NJC.

Grounding Carrie to our room for the rest of the weekend, Mike now focused solely on disciplining me.

"Wait for me in my room, Lisa Michelle, while I speak to Shane."

Without responding, I turned around, huffed and headed towards Mike's room, or at least I tried to, but Mike quickly grabbed my arm.

"The disrespect ends now, young lady. When I tell you to do something, you first acknowledge my authority and then do as you're asked, without hesitation or question. Understand?"

Mike was beyond angry at this point so I acquiesced.

"Yes sir," I replied, with a slightly less than one hundred percent respectful tone.

The RevelationOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora