Sweet sweet revenge

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Later that morning

Stacey's pov

Since Shane and Mike grounded us to our room and gave us a two page list of chores to complete today, I was afraid my plan to make Mindy pay for ratting us out would have to wait but then a miracle happened. Dr. Curtis called the boys into work. Time for sweet, sweet revenge. I smiled deviously, picturing the scenario in my head.

I had Carrie FaceTime Mindy, on an old iphone I bought off a friend, to ask her some questions about the project their English teacher had recently assigned them in class, while Julie and I had a "private" discussion in the background, well within eyesight and earshot.

"So what time are the guys gonna meet us in the woods?" Julie asked me.

"They're supposed to be there at 1:30p so we can have our liquid picnic," I replied, smiling.

Carrie pretended to be looking through her notes while Julie and I were talking so Mindy could hear our conversation.

"Hold on, Mindy, I know it's here somewhere," Carrie said, while flipping the pages of her notebook back and forth.

"What are the guys bringing?" Julie asked.

"Knowing your gross crush, probably a bottle of Jack. We just have to bring the diet Cokes," I replied.

"And a big blanket of course," Julie added, smirking.

"You know Shane and Mike will kill you if they find out about any of this," Lisa chimed in behind us.

"Well, then it's a good thing they'll never find out since they'll be at work and nobody else will be able to locate our spot in the woods," Julie quipped. "Why don't you come with us, Lisa? There'll be plenty of booze and Ray will be there."

"Oooh, why wasn't I given this intel previously?" Lisa asked, with a devilish grin on her face. "This picnic suddenly became much more interesting." Lisa paused for a moment, appearing to be mulling over our invitation. "Shit, if Ray's gonna be there, I'm comin' for sure."

"You wish, sis," I said, winking at Lisa.

"Shut up, perv." Lisa replied, laughing. "I'll have to meet you guys at our spot a little later though. Carrie and I have to clean Mike and Shane's bathrooms as part of our punishment and I haven't even started on Mike's disgusting commode yet."

"Alright, better late than never. Right? Although, that task might take you all day," Julie said, sitting on her bed as she pulled out her burner phone.

"Oh, here it is, Mindy," Carrie said, appearing to be relieved she finally found the section of her notes from English class she wanted to ask Mindy about.

We of course had this give and take all scripted out. We knew Mindy would take the bait and follow Lisa when she comes to meet us in the woods, where she'll fall right into our trap.

Turning and walking far enough away so Mindy couldn't see or hear me on her FaceTime with Carrie, I drummed my fingers together and whispered sinisterly, "Excellent," as a wicked grin spread across my face.

Around two o'clock in the woods

Stacey's pov

The plan worked flawlessly. When Mindy followed Lisa (not very stealthily I might add) into the woods, Julie and I jumped her.

I held Mindy face down on the trail straddling her back. Facing her feet, I pinned her arms to her sides with my legs, holding them in place by pressing my knees into her ribcage. Leaning forward, I reached under her stomach and unbuttoned her shorts, shoving them down below her hips. I had the perfect view and access now to punish her vulnerable, snitch-ass.

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