Not too busy

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The girls' room

Julie's pov

Mike paused so I knew what was coming could not possibly be good.

He finally continued, saying, "Shane's paddle."

...and damn if I wasn't right.

"I want you to go to the Admiral's room right now and bring me back his paddle. You have one minute. Now go!"

FUCK ME, I thought. The belt and the paddle? Our fine surgeon is taking his sadistic side out for a spin. Tristan might have liked this side of him, but my sisters and I sure as Hell don't. I wonder how Tristan is doing. He and Mike have been "on a break" for almost six months now. I should really try to get them back together. Tristan's such a sweetheart and Mike is never more accommodating than when he's stickin' it to him. Note to self: have brainstorming session with the girls on how to make that happen.

"JULIE!" Mike barks, snapping me out of my daydream. "Get moving!"

Without saying a word, I rushed out the door and headed over to Shane's room.

I knocked twice on his door, hoping he wasn't there, but unfortunately I heard him shout, "Come in."

"Uh, hi, Shane. Mike, uh, sent me in here to get something," I stammered nervously, wanting to avoid this exchange altogether.

"Oh, and what would that be?" Shane barely glanced up from his desk as he was busily shuffling papers and jotting down notes. Probably reports or some paperwork for Dr. Curtis, I figured.

"Um, uh, well..." I didn't want to tell Shane what Mike sent me in here to get so I stalled for time trying to work up the nerve to say it.

Shane sighed loudly. Putting his pen down, he looked up, giving me his full attention. He was clearly annoyed and frustrated that I interrupted him to begin with and now I was wasting even more of his time.

"Yes, what is it, Julie? I'm rather busy. I still have a lot of work to do and a short timeline in which to have it completed."

Avoiding the irritated look on his face, I looked down and hurriedly spat out barely above a whisper, "Mike asked me to come get your paddle." I bit my lower lip and cringed, anticipating Shane's response.

"I see." It was obvious I had piqued Shane's curiosity.

Without looking up at him, I knew he was glaring at me.

"And why, pray tell, would Mike require that, young lady?"

"Can I just have the paddle, Shane?" I whined.

"It's may you and no you may not, until you answer me."

"Um, Mike said I needed to be back to my room in one minute and that was like three minutes ago. Sooooo?" I let my voice trail off in hopes Shane would just give me what I came in here for and quit asking me so many damn questions.

Shane stood up from behind his desk and walked towards me.

"First, I expect you to look at me when you're speaking to me, Julie. I surely shouldn't have to tell you that at this stage of the game. Secondly, I asked you a question and it most certainly wasn't a rhetorical one so I require an answer. Thirdly, I'll happily explain to Mike what kept you, so look me in the eye and start talking now before I lose my temper."

I rolled my eyes.

"You're obviously not too busy to pointlessly lecture me though. Are you?" I mumbled a tad too loudly under my breath.

You could have heard a pin drop. Shane returned to his desk, pulled his wooden paddle out of the bottom drawer, grabbed me by the arm and forcibly dragged me down the hall, without saying a word.

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