I agree darlin'

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At the NJC

Mike's pov

I knocked on the girls' door.

When Carrie opened it, I pointed to Julie and sternly said, "I want to speak to you in my room," as I beckoned her to follow me.

"Whhhhyyyy?" Julie whined in response.

"NOW!" I motioned to the hallway and started walking toward my room, knowing Julie would soon be trailing close behind me. Whether little or big, my daughter's not an idiot and she'd be a fool to test me right now by not complying, my posture and tone making it very clear I'm not messing around.

As soon as we entered my room, I directed her to sit on my bed. She didn't hesitate to sit down and her facial expressions and body language gave no indication that she was the slightest bit uncomfortable doing so. Had Shane done a proper job of disciplining her, she would've at least winced.

"I want to speak to you about your behavior the other night at dinner." Julie immediately looked down to avoid facing me. "I'm very upset with the way you spoke to me and Shane."

"But Shane already spanked me," she whined, never making eye contact.

"Young lady, look at me when I'm speaking to you."

Julie reluctantly met my gaze.

I'm pretty sure Julie's not feeling little right now but her response to my next question will let me know for certain.

"Don't you think your behavior that night warranted a more severe spanking than the one Shane gave you?"

"No," she answered quickly, without giving it a second thought.

I know I'm speaking to the eighteen-year-old Julie now because little Julie would have hesitated before lying to me.

"Well I do, so come here and get over my knee." I set my desk chair down in front of her and took a seat, slapping my thighs as a visual aid.

Julie rolled her eyes.

"Ugghhh. Whatever, this is ridiculous," she griped, as she positioned herself over my lap.

That's my girl, I thought smiling to myself, my snarky, smart-mouthed teenage girl. I patted her behind once she was in position.

"I agree, darlin'." I swiftly yanked her shorts and panties down to her knees and slapped her bare ass hard. "Your belligerence and obstinance that night were outrageous, to say the least." I spanked her again, suppressing a sly grin. We both know she deserves this. Shane may have let her off practically scot-free but there's no way I'm going to do the same.

"OW!" Julie grunted and squirmed uncomfortably atop my thighs as I delivered one painful slap after another while ignoring her whiny protests. A sudden knock on my door interrupted her spanking.

"I'm in the middle of something, come back later," I called out, resting my hand on Julie's slightly pinkened bottom.

Ignoring my request, Shane opened the door and walked in uninvited.

Seeing the position Julie was in, he said, "Mike, you don't have to do this. Please just let me explain."

"I don't recall saying come in. Apparently they don't teach manners at the Naval academy," I replied dryly.

"Mike." Shane looked at me apologetically.

Keeping my eyes on Shane, I smacked Julie's ass.

"You can stay and watch or you can go, Admiral, but either way, she's getting this spanking." For emphasis I slapped her bare butt again. Shaking the sting out it left upon the palm of my hand, I watched to see Shane's reaction. "It's way overdue in my opinion."

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