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Three months later at university

Stacey's pov

So far college life has been an adjustment, to say the least. Living away from the NJC, the only home I've known for the past twelve years, has been both exciting and frightening at times. I love all the newfound freedoms I have but by the same token, it's a little bit overwhelming as well.

If I don't feel like going to class, I just don't go because there's no one here to make me. If I have a choice between studying and partying, well let's just say I have yet to choose books over booze and boys. If I want to sleep in, I do, even if that means missing an important test. No one monitors my eating and sleeping habits. No one makes sure I'm taking care of myself.

In a way, it's great not to be bossed around and nagged all the time but in a way, it makes me feel kinda lost and lonely too. I like my roommate and I've made some friends here but I miss my cousin, sisters, and guardians like crazy. Everything's just different, there's been so many changes to my day to day life. It's a lot to deal with in a short amount of time.

Overall, I'm glad I decided to go away to school. I just need a little more time to figure out a happy balance between my social life and my academics. It's a work in progress but so far the scale is definitely tipped in favor of fun and unfortunately, I have a feeling my guardians are now well aware of that fact too.

My phone rings indicating an incoming call from Shane, which will no doubt confirm my theory.

"Hi, Shane," I anxiously greet my guardian, as I brace myself for the fallout.

"YOU LOST YOUR SCHOLARSHIP DUE TO POOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE? WHAT IN THE WORLD IS GOING ON WITH YOU, STACEY?" he barks into the phone, dispensing with the pleasantry of a greeting. Shane's pissed.

"It's not that big of a deal, Shane, I just missed a few classes and some tests that I wasn't able to make up. Besides, I can earn the scholarship back next semester if I bring my GPA back up," I respond casually, hoping to lessen the gravity of the situation.

"No big deal? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR BLOODY MIND, STACEY? How can you possibly think that three thousand dollars isn't a big deal? And that's per semester, so add that up over four years and now we're talking about almost twenty-five thousand dollars. How do you justify that, Stacey?" Shane continues to rant.

"Relax, Shane, I'll earn the scholarship back. Just get off my back already. I'm not a little kid anymore. I don't need you micromanaging me. Geez!"

"It's not your back you should be concerned about, young lady, it's your backside," Shane replied ominously.

I gulped upon hearing that threat, knowing it for sure wasn't an idle one.

"Why did you miss those classes and tests, Stacey? Is it because you're not taking your studies seriously? Let me remind you, you're at university to get an education, not to party."

Rolling my eyes, I sigh audibly.

"I didn't miss the tests cuz I was out partying. Alright? Granted, I may have blown off a couple classes and slept through a few tests but I'm still getting the hang of college life. I'll figure it all out soon enough. Don't worry, Shane." He can be such a nag, I thought to myself as I tried to rub the tension out of the muscles at the back of my neck.

"Oh, you're damn right you're gonna figure it out!" Shane shouted into the phone.

I rolled my eyes again. It's a good thing we're not on FaceTime so Shane can't see my disinterest in this conversation.

Shane continued to lecture me, "In fact, I'm going to give you some very persuasive motivation to get back on track when you come home this weekend. I expect you to be here at the NJC Friday night by 7pm, no later. Am I clear?"

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