Think before you speak

987 36 4

Dr. Marlena Evans's office

Stacey's pov

Swallowing hard, I looked down at my hands while wringing them nervously in my lap. My armpits began to perspire.

Biting my bottom lip, I took a slow shaky breath and quickly blurted out, "I'm pregnant." Hot tears immediately pricked my eyes. I was so ashamed for being so careless the night this baby was conceived. I felt horrible thinking of my baby as a mistake but it was really difficult right now to see the silver lining in this situation.

"No! No! No! NO! NO!" Mike shouted in a rage, standing up as the anger upon hearing my news overtook him.

Shane closed his eyes and shook his head sadly.

Rubbing his furrowed brow out of frustration, he inhaled deeply through his nostrils then growled, "Who, Stacey? Who's the boy who did this to you?" even though he had a strong suspicion of the father's identity.

"Sean," I whispered softly, knowing my response would surely enrage Mike.

"We should've castrated that boy when we had the chance," Mike said, looking directly at Dr. Curtis while angrily pacing the floor. "I'M GONNA KILL THAT SON OF A BITCH!" Mike balled his fists as he continued his rant, "HOW COULD THE TWO OF YOU BE SO IRRESPONSIBLE, STACEY? SERIOUSLY, WHAT THE..."

Interrupting him mid-sentence, Dr. Curtis cautioned, "Think before you speak, Michael." He narrowed his eyes at his protege. Seeing the confused look on Mike's face, he further hinted at the meaning behind his warning. "Are you really someone who should lecture on the diligence of using protection each and every time?" Dr. Curtis raised one eyebrow as he questioned Mike.

Mike was about to protest until the lightbulb finally appeared over his head as he realized how hypocritical it would be for him to admonish Stacey for not taking precautions when her own cousin was a living and breathing reminder of his failure to do so.

"How did this happen, Stacey? I thought you were on birth control and Sean was using condoms," Shane asked, as he rubbed the tension from the back of his neck.

"I quit taking the pill after Sean and I broke up last year."

"And..." Shane prompted me to continue.

"And we had been drinking..." I paused to take a deep breath, "...a lot, so much so, we didn't even realize he hadn't put the condom on after he opened the wrapper." I continued to cry into my hands, unable to face my guardians, knowing how hurt and disappointed they were in me.

Shane got up and stood in front of me.

"Stand up, Stacey," he commanded sternly.

Hearing the cold flat tone in his voice, I reluctantly stood as I was afraid to disobey him. I still couldn't face him though, so I kept my head lowered to avoid his gaze.

Shane gently tilted my chin up. Persisting even though I flinched at his touch, he forced me to look him in the eyes.

"Stacey, I want you to look at me and listen." Once I complied, Shane firmly held my shoulders and continued, "Mike and I are here to support you. We love you and we'll be with you every step of the way."

Hearing Shane's kind words, I started to cry again. I was so sure they would hate me and think I was stupid for being careless and ruining my life.

Shane pulled me into his arms and held me close as he whispered, "Don't cry, Stacey, you're not going through this alone, luv. Everyone in this room is in your corner."

"He's right, sweetheart. We all love you and we're here for you," Mike said, as he walked over to us. Shane passed me over to his open arms. Mike hugged me tightly while patting my bottom. "You're so lucky I can't spank you while you're pregnant, Stacey Marie, but be prepared for me to whip your butt for getting drunk and acting so recklessly after you give birth." Mike gave my bottom a not so gentle swat.

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