No escape

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Onboard ship

Carrie's pov

Mike and Shane didn't say a word during the remainder of the show. They didn't need to, for it was quite obvious how angry they were by their flared nostrils, audible exhaling, bulging forehead and neck veins, dark piercing stare, and Shane's iron grip on my hand along with Mike's vice-like hold on Julie's thigh. As soon as the show ended, Shane led us out with Mike guiding us from behind.

Once we were in front of their stateroom, Mike finally broke the silence.

"Shane and I will discuss with the four of you what we saw on that video at a later time." Mike paused to ensure he had our attention. Once convinced he did, he opened his arms and said, "Now give me a hug goodnight because we probably won't see you again until tomorrow."

Shane and Mike gave each of us a hug and one firm swat on the behind as they said goodnight and told us to behave ourselves before they entered their stateroom. My sisters and I stood silently in the corridor for a few minutes, still in shock over the fact we'd been caught red handed in a lie, breaking the number one rule our guardians set for this trip. Yet here we stand, sans tears, bottoms unblistered, and free to do as we please for the remainder of the evening.

"That was weird right?" Lisa asks, looking for confirmation of what we're all thinking.

"Yeah, totally," Julie replies lost in thought, as she furrows her brow.

"So what should we do tonight?" Stacey asks excitedly, as if she's unphased by the events of the last hour.

God bless her for always being the opposite of the clear voice of reason. Her optimism is encouraging, despite being rooted in blissful ignorance. I honestly think she's got the right idea though.

"We might as well enjoy ourselves while we can," I say, echoing Stacey's positive outlook.

"Let's go to the lounge where they're doing karaoke tonight," Julie says smiling. "If nothing else, it'll help take our minds off our impending doom and make us feel a little better about our situation."

After watching our fellow passengers sing karaoke for an hour, we decided to call it a night so we wouldn't be overtired on our last full day of vacation.

The next morning, we slept in until 10am then went to breakfast. After we ate, we changed into our swimsuits and hungout by the pool all afternoon listening to the steel drum band while we worked on our tans. We even ate our lunch and took a nap poolside as well. Around 5pm, we decided to go back to our cabin to get showered and changed for dinner. We successfully managed to avoid Shane and Mike all day but we have to meet them for dinner tonight at 7pm.

We made sure we were not only on time, but early for dinner as well since didn't want to risk pissing off our guardians, making our punishment for lying and drinking yesterday soooooo much worse. My sisters and I sat through dinner on pins and needles, just waiting for any indication from Mike and Shane when the proverbial shit was gonna hit the fan but our guardians were giving us no clue as to their intentions.

"We have to leave for the airport at 7:45am, girls, so make sure you're packed, your cabin is empty of all your personal belongings, and you're outside our door no later than 7:25am. Clear?"

Shane stood placing his napkin on the table as we all obediently replied, "Yes sir."

"Have a good night, ladies," is all Mike said, before following Shane out.

"Uh, guys, what the fuck just happened here?" Lisa asked, just as dumbfounded as the rest of us.

"Yeah, what the Hell is goin' on?" Julie echoed our sister's sentiment.

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