Prime example

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At the NJC in the girls' room

Lisa's pov

Once we were in the bathroom, Mike grabbed my arm, closed the toilet lid and commanded, "SIT!" as he not so gently assisted me. I winced as my sore bottom hit the hard surface. Gripping my jaw tightly in his left hand, he looked me dead in the eye and threatened, "If you ever speak so crudely to me again, I won't hesitate to slap your filthy mouth. AM I CLEAR?"

I was honestly scared of what Mike was capable of right now so I nodded saying, "Yes sir," as soon as he let go of my chin.

"I simply will not allow it. Now open your mouth," Mike said sternly.

"W_w_why?" I asked hesitantly.

Mike gruffly yanked me up off the toilet and landed four solid smacks across the center of my bottom.

"BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO. THAT'S WHY!" he shouted angrily, while sitting me back down on the throne.

I whimpered and reluctantly opened my mouth until I saw him grab our lavender scented body wash out of the shower.

"Nah-ah." I clamped my mouth shut tightly as I shook my head no. My eyes quickly became teary as I feared Mike's retribution for cursing at him.

"Open your mouth right now, Lisa Michelle, or I will bend you over the side of this tub and paddle your bare behind..." Mike paused for dramatic effect, "and then you'll open your mouth."

"No, Mike, please," I pointlessly begged my rigidly strict guardian for mercy.

"I will not tell you again, Lisa. NOW DO AS YOU'RE TOLD!" Mike shouted.

There was no way I could tolerate getting paddled right now. My ass was still painfully throbbing, as if it had its own heartbeat. I parted my lips slightly and Mike took that as his cue to proceed. I tightly squeezed my watery eyes shut as soon as I saw him pop open the body wash. I kept my eyes closed as I felt him force my mouth to pucker open wider by pressing his fingers into my cheeks.

I started gagging the instant the cold slimy floral scented liquid hit my tongue. It was bitter and nasty. I jerked my head from his grasp and made a bee-line for the sink.

Mike stopped me, blocking my access.

"You will hold it in your mouth for one minute then you may spit but not rinse," he stated coldly.

I whined loudly, shaking my head and stomping my foot like a toddler having a tantrum as tears of frustration leaked from my eyes.

"Your time begins now," Mike said, starting the timer on his phone and smacking my bottom really hard.

"Emmmmkkk," I yelped, keeping my lips pressed tightly together as I fought not to swallow the body wash. I continued to grunt my whiny pleas for mercy as Mike ignored me. After thirty seconds had passed, I started foaming at the mouth like a rabid dog. Okay maybe that's a slight exaggeration. When the one minute mark dinged on his phone, he finally let me spit out into the sink what was left of the lavender goo. I know I swallowed some by accident. I'll probably have to call poison control when we're done here.

Pulling me away from the counter and out of the bathroom so I wouldn't be tempted to rinse, he kept his hold on me and smacked my ass harshly three more times.

Before leaving, he turned and said, "Hopefully now you'll learn to keep your smart mouth in check."

I was still gagging on the bodywash residue that lingered on my tongue so I didn't respond. When I glanced up, I noticed Mike was looking at me intently with his arms crossed and a scowl on his face. I'm pretty sure he's waiting for me to apologize but I really don't want to. What we did to Jason was just a harmless prank gone wrong and I'm eighteen so Mike has no right to spank me and wash my mouth out with soap like I'm some stupid little kid.

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