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Shane's pov

As I drove to the airport to pick up Mike, I couldn't help but wonder what was going on with Julie. She's been acting like a three-year-old for the past two days. She's been clingy and whiny. She practically threw a temper tantrum today, acting out, mouthing off, and then crying about having to admit her bad behaviour to Mike. I'm going to have to ask Mike and Marlena if smoking marijuana could be the cause of Julie's childish demeanor or if this age regression might be a result of the panic attack she had yesterday.

A couple hours later

Mike's pov

After greeting Stacey, Lisa, and Carrie and having a quick bite to eat, I followed Shane to his room.

"Hi, sweetheart." I gave Julie a hug as she jumped up to greet me. "Shane informed me we need to have a little chat. Is that true?" I felt Julie immediately tense up before she pulled away and nodded sadly. "He also told me he felt the need to sit in on our discussion to monitor your attitude and tone. Now why would that be, darlin'?"

Julie avoided looking at both of us as she steered clear of answering my question.

I tilted her chin up.

"Surely that won't be necessary though. Will it? As I know you wouldn't dare think of mouthing off when you're already in trouble. Am I right?"

Julie nodded.

"I want you to bring Shane your phone and apologize for disrespecting him. He'll be holding on to it until he's convinced you can keep your smart mouth in check without his assistance. If I need to take you over my knee to give you a refresher course on the proper way to speak to us, I'd be happy to do that every night this week before you go to bed. Do you want me to do that for you, Julie, or can you master this lesson on your own?"

"I can do it on my own," Julie replied quietly.

"Go get your phone," I ordered sternly.

When Julie brought it back, I motioned for her to hand it to Shane. After she did, I cleared my throat and raised one eyebrow. Taking the hint, Julie apologized to Shane.

"Sorry," she said, shyly biting her lower lip as she stared at her feet.

I beckoned her to stand in front of me.

Slapping her firmly on the ass, I barked, "I don't ever want to hear again that Shane has to monitor your speech because you can't keep your mouth in check. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir," she said softly.

"Good. Go wait for me in my room, I'll be there in a minute." When Julie left, I told Shane, "You don't need to sit in on my conversation with her if you have other things to do. I promise I'll let you know if she mouths off."

Shane sighed.

"Alright, thanks, mate. We'll talk later," he said, as he patted my shoulder. "I have some things I want to run by you."

I walked into my room to see Julie sitting in the chair against the wall. I snapped my fingers and pointed to my bed, indicating she needed to switch seats. Once she sat down on my bed after sighing unnecessarily, I grabbed the chair she just vacated and set it in front of her, ceremoniously taking a seat.

"We both know how this conversation will end so I want you to get straight to the point and tell me everything. Understand?" I'm still exhausted from the trip home from Africa and perturbed by Julie disrespecting Shane when she was already in trouble so I'm in no mood to prolong this.

Done pushing the envelope for the day, Julie respectfully replied, "Yes sir," and proceeded to tell me the whole story about smoking pot at the park with her friends and then lying to Shane about it until he threatened her with a drug test. I cannot believe she did something so reckless, stupid, and illegal.

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