No greater pain

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Mike's funeral

Julie's pov

I can't believe the amount of people that are here to pay their respects. I mean of course I can believe a lot of people would attend his funeral cuz Mike was an amazing guy who touched a lot of people's lives but there has to be almost three hundred people here. I guess I underestimated how many people he influenced during his limited time here on earth. I'm sure he'll influence even more from heaven.

There were some of Mike's teachers and fellow students from junior high, highschool, college, and med school in attendance. Doctors, nurses, and other hospital personnel he'd worked with over the years at Salem General, Doctors without Borders, and charity outreach missions. Countless guardians, kids, and staff from the NJC. Tons of former and current employees of the Foundation. Friends ranging from Mike's childhood through adulthood. Relatives, friends, and acquaintances of Mike's parents, sister, Dr. Curtis and Shane. Our pastor, youth pastor, church secretary, and several choir members and parishioners. Tristan. The list honestly goes on and on. And of course all of us. Dr. and Mrs. Curtis, Shane and Kimberly, Stacey, Sean, Maegan and Donovan, myself, Brian, David, Edward, and Jonathan. Lisa, Penny, Jessie, Alex, Eve, Jax and Amy, and Carrie, Jason, and each of their former and current foster kids.

After our pastor spoke he called Dr. Curtis up to the podium.

"I've heard that the saddest moment in a parent's life is when they have to bury one of their children. Today I know that pain. Michael was everything I would have wished for in a son. He was kind, caring, compassionate, selfless, brave, strong, loyal, dedicated, intelligent, and above all else, the most loving human being I have ever met. Michael always loved with his whole heart and if you were one of those people fortunate enough to be on the receiving end, count yourself blessed, for you know exactly what I mean. I had the privilege of watching Michael transform from an insecure, immature medical resident into a confident accomplished surgeon. While I may have played a part in advancing Michael's medical career, he was the one who taught me a much more valuable lesson; what it means to be a father. I've never been more proud of Michael than when I watched him parent his girls. My only regret is not telling him often enough what a great job he was doing." Dr. Curtis put his hand on Mike's casket as tears sprung from his eyes. "Forgive me if I ever made you feel like a disappointment, Michael, because that couldn't be further from the truth. You made me proud every day of your life, son."

When Dr. Curtis stepped down, Shane took his place.

"Mike, when we first met, you were a fellow employee but soon after, you were so much more. You were my best friend, my confidante, my rock, my inspiration, my example, and my co-parent to four amazing beautiful girls. You taught me how to be a loyal friend, an honest man, a good son, and most importantly you taught me what it takes to be a great father. You picked me up when I was down, you led me on the right path when I was lost, you celebrated my victories, wallowed in my sorrows, righted my wrongs, encouraged me to persevere, and showed me the sacrifice required to be truly selfless. You always put others first, letting your happiness take a back seat to their successes, not because it was the right thing to do but solely because you wanted to see them soar. You, Mike, were the most amazing friend I've ever had the privilege of knowing. The world is a little emptier without you, as you'll be missed terribly by so many, but our loss is heaven's gain because they've acquired an angel tonight. Now I have two brothers looking down on me from heaven and watching over me." Turning toward the casket in tears, Shane whispered, "I love you, mate."

My cousin, Lisa, Carrie, and I all had a part in the service. Stacey shared some of her favorite moments she had with Mike, some funny, some sad, and some I didn't even know about.

Lisa sang two of Mike's favorite praise songs. Your Grace is Enough she sang solo and she did a duet with Shane on Our God is Greater.

Carrie read some of Mike's favorite Bible passages, including one from John: "My Father's house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am."

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