Chapter Eighty Two

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It took us almost 2 hours to reach the location, it was somewhere out of the city. it was an abandoned farmhouse.

With the help of the police, we all started to go up, we were going to the inside and trying to hide from her sight so that she was not able to see.

"Arav, I have already told you not to involve the police in this matter but you did not listen to me. I have already warned you that it will not be good for your wife and she has to face the consequences for your action but you being an over smart guy has to involved these useless people into this so now get ready to face the consequences and say goodbye to your dear wife," when we reached inside I heard her evil voice but when we looked around there was no one.

We shocked to see the situation of there, I uttered few cursing words under my breath and I surprised to see a blank chair, a speaker sound, and a camera which was keeping watch at the entrance.

I was stunned to look that, she was not there.

"She is really smart, and cleaver, she has already known about us coming here, so she had already escaped from here and hide somewhere else," said the police officer, after hearing the voice of the officer I lost my temper and sit near the piler of the building and burst in tears.

The officer came to me and placed his hand on my shoulder and said 

"Be strong we will find her and she will be okay," He offered me water tried to make me calm down.

"Sir we checked the whole farmhouse but there is no one, the whole house is empty, I think they somehow get to know about us and escaped from here," one of the officers informed us.

I was on the verge to lost my calmness and burst on him but I somehow calm my self because I can not lose my mind in this situation, I have to find her at anyhow, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and look around to find any clue which will take me to my Ankti.

"I do not think so," I mumbled and ran my eyes each and every corner of the house and found something was strange.

The whole house was in the mess and everything was dusty expect one, A huge bookshelf, infect every book was in the exact place. No one disturbed anything but seems everything new.

and that caught my attention, 

"Break it," I told the officers pointing at the bookshelf to which they looked at me weirdly. 

"did you not hear me properly, I do not like to repeat my words," I shouted at them. 

"Arav calm down, we have already checked everywhere, there is no one," Uncle said.

"I said just do what I said, I did not ask you anything," I glared at him.

How could he say to calm down, here I am dying every second without my love and here he was telling me to calm down, my foot.....

"Officers break it," He ordered his officers.

Two officers went to collect tools for breaking it and came back, Within two minutes they broke that wooden shelf and all the books scattered on the floor there is it........

A door showed in front of us and I went to open the door.

I with the other police officers started to go inside it, It was an underground passage with the many steps, I stride down the steps carefully in that dim lights with the others. 

"Welcome Arav, I knew you will put this stunt, now you're over smartness will cost the life of your wife," I heard her voice standing at the corner of that underground room.

Ankti was tied with a chair unconscious while a dagger held by the bitch on her neck. 

"Ankti," I shouted to get her into consciousness.

"Shut up, she is on a heavy dosage of sedatives, Now you only have one way to save her, send all the police away and transfer all the shares on my name and you also have to marry me, after all, we were the who was about to marry remember," She shouted.

"You bloody bitch, If anything happens to her, you will be dead and that is a promise, and I will never marry you, you want the shares right then I will transfer it right now, just leave her alone" I shouted losing my temper.

"Mr. Thakur, do as she says or Mrs. Thakur's life will be in danger. We will hide here and then come up as soon as this fiasco dies a bit," Commissioner whispered in my ear.

"you want the shares right, okay I agree to transfer all the share to you and if you want I will give you as much money as you want but I will never agree to marry you," I said trying to calm myself down.

"Okay, they say goodbye to your wife," She said and started to pierced the dagger in her neck.

"Stop, just stop," I panicked looking at the blood which was started to come out from her neck, thank god it was just a small cut.

"I am ready, just throw the dagger away from her neck and leave her alone," I said.

She pulled out her phone and called someone and talked for a few minutes but my all focus was on the dagger which was still on Ankti's neck.

"Let's go, the priest is waiting for us upside with my men and the papers are also ready, now send these jockers away and marry me that way she will also be alive," She ordered and laughing like a maniac and all of us obeyed.

the police left giving me an assuring nod that they will be outside hiding.

Soon her men came and took Ankti upside and some men followed me keeping an eye that I will not do anything.

Climbing the stairs I saw her men again tied Ankti on a chair.

"Oh come on, how much time will you take, hurry up," She said like a madwoman.

"I am marrying you and also signing the papers so now leave her," I said gritting my teeth.

"I am not a fool Mr. Thakur, she will be free to go but once we are married," she replied clearly knowing that she had an upper hand as her men's gun was put on Ankti's head.

She gave me the papers and I went towards her to sign them when I saw Ankti opening her eyes slowly.....


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