Chapter Fifty Four

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Ankti's POV

Last two weeks were really hactic for everyone especially for me. We got the deal on which we all were working very hard. In these two weeks I started to dislike Pragya so much.

She never left any chance to cling on him.

One day she came to office wearing a very short skirt with a button up shirt and opened her two buttons which showing her cleavage.

She was looking really disgusted that day but no one said anything because in this company everyone beleave that one should wear the clothes in which he or she is comfortable so that you can totally focused on your work.

That was the reason no one said anything on anyone's clothes but as per company's policy it should be eligent and professional but she was anything but eligent and professional.

Arav was already tolerating her clinginess but that day she crossed her limit so he had to give her a serious warning.

That day we all was working on our files when she gave me a smrik and then went towards Arav, I was really confused by her look I did not know what she was trying to do this time. I was just watching her. She went towards Arav's table with a file in her hand and stand very close to him.

Arav was engrossed in his work that he did not felt her presence so she cleared her throat to get his attention. He looked at her and asked what happens then she started to show him a file but also bend a little to him to show her body.

I could tell that he also felt a little frustrated about this and suddenly roared at her and gave her a warning to be in her limit and called Praveen Sir to tell him that Pragya is fired but she plead to him to not to fire her because everyone know that if anyone get fired from this company then no one will hire that person in any company.

So it was like a stop to her career, after lots of pleadings he agreed to give her a chance and after that day she never try to do anything and I felt so releaved.

But she always gave me a board I really do not know why but it seems like she had something in her mind about me but I always shrugged the thought because right now my work was more important than her glare.

Once we completed the work we again came back to our floor and I shared everything with Sana because in these two weeks we hardly seen each other. 

I knew that Sameer already tell her but she also asked me about everything so I had to tell her because I know that she will not leave me if I will not feed her with each and every detail.

She was also very angry on Pragya after listening and I also tell her about Pragya glaring me.

She was ready to confront Pragya but I stopped her telling that we will handle her letter if she do anything and she agreed.

I was working on my work when Mr. Bansal came to our floor.

He came to my desk and everyone was looking at my side.

"Miss Ankti you have to come with me right now there is something really important to discuss," he was looking very serious so I nodded and went with him.

When we both entered in the lift I asked him.

"What happened Mr. Bansal?" 

"Ma'am, Arav sir wants me to escort you to his cabin, he said that something very important come up and he really want to talk to you right now," he answered and I started to feel worried.

When we reached on his floor, jenny was sitting on her desk and working on something, she looked at my side and gave a confused look.

Mr. Bansal and me entered in the cabin after taking his permission then Mr. Bansal left leaving Arav and me alone to give some privacy.

"What happens Arav, are you okay?" I asked as soon as Mr. Bansal left the cabin

"Yes I am okay, and I have something important to talk about, my aunt is coming tomorrow morning and will stay our place for 4 to 5 days so we have to do that arrangements, and Ankti she is a orthodox person, so you have to be careful around her maybe she will taunt you but do not worry I will be their with if she do or said anything out of the limit then I will not leave her like that," he explained everything and I could tell that he was worried about something but I have already handled worst people in my life.

"Okay, do not worry I will take care of everything and about the taunts and all I am used to it so you do not have to worry" I tried to assured him that I will take care of everything but I did not thing that my words will hurt him

"Ankti that time I was not with you but I am with you now and I will not let anyone to take advantage of your innocence and kind heart," he said with a little hurt and a determined tone and I know that he was telling the truth

"I know and do not worry I am not like the previous Ankti I am changed and I can take stand for myself," I said because I was not the same as before I have changed and it was for good now I could take stand for myself and my loved once.

"I know but still," he hugged her like his life depends on her and I reciprocate the same.

"Do not worry everything will be fine and should I take leave for 5 days?" I asked

"If you are okay with it," He said little hesitant

"I am okay with everything which is related to you," I gave him a assured smile and he did the same

"Okay now I am going so that I could completed the pending work and I am on leave from tomorrow Mr. Thakur," I said excitedly but I was worried as well.

"Sure Mrs. Thakur you are," He said and gave a peck on my lips.

Then I came back to my floor and that time I know that jenny told everyone about my visit to Arav cabin that was the reason they all were giving me a weird look.

I went to my desk and Sana asked me what happened.

I explained her everything and she said that everyone knew about my visit to the CEO's cabin as I thought but it was really important otherwise he would never asked me to come to his cabin at that time.

He also told me that he called me sevaral time but I did not lift the call and at that time I realised that my phone as on silent mode I kept my phone in my purse so I did not aware about his calls.

When I checked my phone there was severel missed calls from Arav. I put my phone on vibration mode and put it on the desk so that I could hear of the calls.

Ignoring the weird look from my colleagues I finished my work and went to home after informing Arav.

I had lots of work to do now, God please help me.



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