Chapter Twenty

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Hi guys,

Please ignore the mistakes.

Thank you and stay blessed...........


Ankti's POV

My days were going very well with Arav and his family, I got along with them so well and I was very happy with that, I never thought that God will keep the best gift for the last and now he blessed me with the best gift of life.

These days I got to know so many things about Arav from Mom and also from Arav. His likes, his dislikes, his favorites, and all. Mom told me many stories about Arav's childhood. 

Today Arav did not come to college as he had some important work at the office, otherwise, he always came with me to college, today he dropped me at college and said that he will pick me up after the classes. It will not wrong if I said that I was missing him. although he always set his office sometimes we had lunch together. 

At college................

I was feeling that everyone was glancing at my side and talking about something with each other but I ignored them. I entered in my class with Sana and we both went towards our regular seat, when we went near the seat we found that " Shut and Bitch" were written on my seat when I roam my eyes towards the people, they already looking at me and smiled.

Sana noticed the same and started to go for the fight but I stopped her. I removed those words from my hands and set on my chair I never thought that they will do such things, it really hurts when someone called you by these names. My eyes were filled with tears.

I knew that they do not like me but this was too much. 

I was not able to focus on the lecture, those words and the disgusted look was flushing in my mind again and again.

Soon the class was finished and I and Sana were going to the canteen after our class for the lunch break. I thought to call Arav to pick me up early today, I really want to go home right now.

"Ankti you go and wait for me, I am going to the washroom, I will there in 5 minutes," Sana said 

"You go I am waiting for you here," I said and she went to the washroom and I dilled Arav's number, I asked if he was free and could pick me up early today and he said that he will be here in 30 minutes, I could say that he felt my unhappiness. 

I was waiting for her when a group of three popular girls Tiya, Sanya, and Rina came near me and I know what will they do now so I starting to go from there but they stopped me by blocking my way.

"Tiya, let go of my way," I told her.

"Oh, see Sanya and Riya, Ms. Ankti Mathur has a tongue to talk," She said with sarcasm.

I never want to fight with them because I know what they could do, they belong from the rich family and always threaten me that they will make me throw from this college and they tried sometimes, they complained about me to the Principle that I always try to cling on the boys and flirted with them, I tried to explain him but he did listen to me and said that he knew how people like me thought to become rich with this dirty work that was the reason he never liked me and always saw me with disgust. From that day onwards, I never tried to explain to anyone and always preferred to ignore them. Now I least bother to talk with anyone, Sana was my one and only friend. 

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