A Time for Us

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As she stepped onto the grass Anna couldn't believe she was really there: In the Soop. It was just as peaceful and beautiful as it had looked in the show, with the house by the river, surrounded by trees. The perfect place to just get away and spend time together, without any interruptions. Actually, it made Anna feel a little nervous. So far, they hadn't spent an extended period of time all together like this. It would be a true test to see how well she fits in with the group as a whole.

"Anna? Tour?"

Although she probably knew her way around from watching In the Soop, Anna smiled at nodded at Taehyung. He looked so excited as he grabbed her hand and started showing her around. They went into the floating house where Jungkook had stayed and Jin had gone fishing. They went to the upper house where Jimin had slept and Jin and Taehyung had played video games. Finally, they went to the main house where they had all played card games, built Legos, and sang songs. It was surreal seeing the place in real life.

After the tour, they all gathered in the main house for a meeting.

"So, what is the plan while we're here? We don't have all the toys this time."

"I thought we were each bringing something to do?"

"I brought my music equipment."

"Of course, you did."

"I don't think that was quite what we meant Yoongi Hyung."

Anna's eyes flickered between the boys as they talked. She was concentrating so hard that she had narrowed her eyes and had furrowed eyebrows. However, it was useless. They spoke so fast that she had no hope of understanding what they were saying with her still limited Korean skills.

"Okay, who brought something?"

"I brought card games."

"Uno, Jin-Hyung?"

"Yes Tae, including BTS Uno."

"I brought craft kits."

"Anna will love that Hoseok Hyung! I brought art supplies."

"Is our Kookie the artist going to show off his amazing skills again?"

Jungkook got shy and embarrassed at his words and gave Jimin a light whack on the arm for his teasing. This made Anna smile. Although she didn't know what had been said, she was familiar with these types of actions between these two. Jimin loved to tease the youngest and Jungkook enjoyed using his strength to get back at his shortest Hyung.

"And what did you bring Jimin?"

"Umm, a karaoke machine."


"My laptop to play video games on?"


"I brought books."

"Because reading is a group activity?"

"Well, I guess four out of seven isn't bad."

Meanwhile, Anna had let her eyes wander around the room when she spotted something outside the side door. After staring at it for a few moments she realised it was a hot tub, the one that the boys never used on In the Soop, or at least it was shown on camera.

"Anna? Penny for your thoughts?"

"Huh? It's nothing."

"Tell us."


"I was just wondering..."


"Did you use the hot tub?"

"Did we...? Oh! Um..."

Namjoon glanced around at the others and muttered a translation for them. Curiously she noticed some of her soulmate's cheeks redden.

"No amount of editing could have made that footage suitable for public viewing."

"Yoongi Hyung!"

"We did, but there wasn't any usable footage to put in the show."

Anna pondered over the leader's answer for a moment. Why wouldn't they have any usage footage? I guess it was worse than when Taehyung took his t-shirt off in Bon Voyage. A lot worse by their reactions.

"So where is everyone sleeping?"

As they started discussing sleeping arrangements, Anna realised something she hadn't thought about before. A big part of any trip BTS had taken involved a game to decide where they each would sleep. This even ended in some ridiculous arrangements with empty rooms. However, thinking about it now Anna realised that they didn't do this for In the Soop. Did this mean that in the months between Bon Voyage Season 4 and In the Soop, the boys had grown up?

"Anna? What's wrong?"

"When did you guys grow up?"

"Uh, we haven't?"

"You didn't play a game!"

"What game?"

"To decide who's sleeping where. You used to always play a game to decide rooms."

In the end, it didn't matter because they would most likely end up swapping beds throughout the week, but for the sake of putting their luggage somewhere, they chose rooms based on convenience. The 95s would be in the upper house so they could play their video games as late as they wanted. Jungkook and Namjoon would be in the floating house. Jungkook because he didn't mind since he had slept there last time, and Namjoon because he snored. That left Jin, Yoongi, Hoseok and Anna in the main house.

Her thoughts that the boys had grown were disproven when her three remaining soulmates proceeded to play rock paper scissors to decide who got to share with her. Anna wasn't sure who she wanted to win. She hadn't shared a bed with any of her soulmates apart from Kookie, at least knowingly anyway.

Once the room arrangements were settled, the eldest members started on lunch as the maknae line claimed they were starting to die of hunger. Whilst lunch was being prepared, Anna took her luggage up to her room. She was curious to see what had been packed. Meanwhile, Hoseok followed Jimin and Taehyung to the upper house.

Opening her suitcase, she was glad to see her washbag, at least she didn't have to worry about her skincare routine. However, that was pretty much all that was recognisable. Is this really my bag? As she started taking out the pieces of obviously female clothing, there was no doubt that these were meant for her.

It seemed some of her soulmates had taken the opportunity of this surprise trip to buy her some new clothes. If she had to guess, Anna would say it was either Hoseok, Jimin or Taehyung, or all three. She lifted out some material which was supposed to be her sleepwear. Definitely Jimin. Anna sighed. These guys would be the death of her. What was she going to wear to bed now?

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