Very Loyal Idols Verify Events

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"Wow, there are so many comments. Wait, there's a question. Do you speak Korean? Namjoon, do you want to translate these for Anna?"

Yoongi handed the tablet to Namjoon, who repeated the question in English for Anna.

"A little. I am learning Korean. I have teacher, Korean teacher. Umm..."

"You can answer in English, it's fine."

"I was teaching myself Korean, but since I moved to Korea, I have been having lessons. Still, I have a lot to learn."

"So good!"

"Noona get better at Korean every day."

"And as you can see, the other members have been practising their English."

Namjoon carried on reading through all the comments. He repeated any cute or funny things he saw, whilst he looked for a question that Anna could answer.

"They said Kookie speaking English is so cute."

"Our Maknae is always cute!"

"Anna, they want to know where you are from?"

"I am from England."

"And how old are you?"

"I am 25 years old. I was born the same year as Jimin and V."

Namjoon was frantically scrolling through the comments looking for more questions to ask, whilst ignoring the more unpleasant ones.

"Ah, here's a good one. What is your favourite BTS song?"

"Ooh, that's tricky because I love them all, but my top three would probably be... ON because it was the first song I heard and it's so good that I instantly became a fan, Fake Love will always be one of my favourites, and Your Eyes Tell because it's just so beautiful. Ah, but there are so many others!"

"You love all our songs? Even the older ones?"

"Of course! Especially the older ones!"

"Okay, there are a lot of ARMYs asking, who is your bias?"

"What? No one, I mean all of you. Everyone. OT7 of course. How could I pick between these guys?"

This started an argument between the BTS members.

"I thought I was Anna's bias?"

"You're wrong Jimin Hyung. I'm Noona's bias!"

"Yah! Her bias is Worldwide Handsome, of course!"

"I don't know why you guys are fighting, because it's obviously me."

"You wish Taehyung!"

"Actually, I think you'll find that Suga is her number one."

Hoseok fell to the floor he was laughing so much, and Namjoon just shook his head, he was used to his group members' antics by now.

Meanwhile, Anna was trying not to freak out. Even though it had been going well so far, she was still super nervous. As the boys chattered around her, she looked down at her lap where she was twisting her fingers, a nervous habit of hers.

"Hey, Anna? If it gets too much, just let me know. Okay?"

She glanced to the side at Namjoon who had whispered to her and nodded.

"Okay ARMY, send in any last questions you want me to read out! Nice ones only please."

Jungkook leaned forward from where he was sitting behind Anna and rested his chin on top of her head.

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